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An illustrated tour of the world in 50 stops, Extraordinary Voyages, Louis Vuitton An illustrated tour of the world in 50 stops, Extraordinary Voyages, Louis Vuitton

An illustrated tour of the world in 50 stops, Extraordinary Voyages, Louis Vuitton

Louis Vuitton’s latest book release is Extraordinary Voyages, an illustrated tour of the world in 50 stops and just as many means of travel

From luxury ocean liners to Nautilus-inspired submarines, ever-faster long-haul airplanes to ever-more comfortable lightweight airships, steamships that descended the most unpredictable river to trains that crossed entire continents… The late 19th and early 20th centuries saw the emergence of many new means of transport, offering brand-new perspectives to experience the globe. In the atlas of the imagination, these innovations allowed travelers to understand the world in a completely different fashion

Source: Louis Vuitton



Francisca Mattéoli, the autho…
Francisca Mattéoli, the author of a number of travel stories, she has written for magazines including Condé Nast Traveller and National Geographic. She has written many books about the world of travel, including Adventure Hotel Stories (2005), American Hotel Stories (2009), and Map Stories: The Art of Discovery (2016). Louis Vuitton, Éditions Xavier Barral and Abrams published World Tour (2013), a travel book illustrated by 1,000 hotel labels from the collection of Gaston-Louis Vuitton.
This is the theme of this boo…
This is the theme of this book. Means of locomotion are, above all, a way for human adventures to occur. It is by no means an encyclopedic work, and requires no particular expertise. It does not offer a host of knowledge. It is merely the pretext for departing, for escaping to a world of dreams that were actually realized before becoming part of history and the collective imagination, transforming eras, lives, and sometimes even destinies.
自1998年起,Louis Vuitton 已經陸續開始將…
自1998年起,Louis Vuitton 已經陸續開始將品牌的旅行精神編撰成不同的旅行系列書藉:《City Guide》、《Travel Books》與攝影集《Fashion Eye》,前者精選不同城市,邀請記者及來自各領域的人展現每個城市的樣貌。假如你是藝術迷的話,更可以知道 Louis Vuitton 過去與不同的知名出版社合作,更推出不同的插畫與藝術書籍,令藝術融入與時裝之中。
作者是來自出生於智利的 Francisca Mattéol…
作者是來自出生於智利的 Francisca Mattéoli。她的作品一直與自己的童年和周遊列國的所見所聞有關。如果細心留意的話, Francisca Mattéoli 不時在 Louis Vuitton 書籍出現,其合作的關係長遠,像 2012 年推出的 《World Tour. Vintage hotel labels from the collection of Gaston-Louis Vuitton》,她為品牌的讀者揭開巴黎 Plazza Athénée 酒店及新加坡 Raffles Hotel 等傳奇酒店的面紗,讓人看得津津有味。每一個人去旅行都有其故事,大家到訪的小城市還是大都會亦有它的歷史。《Extraordinary Voyages》用 50 個故事連貫不同地方的特色,如法國攝影師 Nadar 的熱氣球攝影、阿波羅11號的月球任務,人類一直以不同交通方式展開不一樣的旅程。
An illustrated tour of the world in 50 stops, Extraordinary Voyages, Louis Vuitton
An illustrated tour of the world in 50 stops, Extraordinary Voyages, Louis Vuitton
An illustrated tour of the world in 50 stops, Extraordinary Voyages, Louis Vuitton
An illustrated tour of the world in 50 stops, Extraordinary Voyages, Louis Vuitton
An illustrated tour of the world in 50 stops, Extraordinary Voyages, Louis Vuitton