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Art History and VERSACE
Art History and VERSACE
Speaker: Jian-yi Chiu 邱建一
Start registration: Mar 1, 2021
Time: Apr 1, 2021 14:00 - 16:00
Location: The Forest Big Blue & Book 森大青鳥書店 The Forest Big Blue & Book 森大青鳥書店

What is the relationship between art history and the renown luxury brand VERSACE? Why was the villainous Medusa the monster from Greek Mythology chosen as VERSACE’s brand logo? Who is Medusa in Western art history? Let the stories unfold and let us discover how all the dots are connected. About Speaker : Professor Chiu is an expert in Art History and Archeology, and teaches at universities as well as at speaking events in the areas of art history, classic cultures and related topics, including on location at museums and historical sites across the world. Professor Chiu founded Art Focus, an organization that promotes education of art, presents various speaking engagements on the topics of art and evaluation of art. Professor Chiu is also a frequent speaker on TV, talking about history and ancient civilization. Address: 2F., No. 59, Sec. 3, Xinyi Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei 台北市大安區信義路三段59號2樓

Art History and VERSACE
Art History and VERSACE
Seats: 20 / Available: 0
Seats: 20 / Available: 0