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Bespoke scents and elements of nature, capsulized to accentuate and resonate with your inner self Bespoke scents and elements of nature, capsulized to accentuate and resonate with your inner self

Bespoke scents and elements of nature, capsulized to accentuate and resonate with your inner self

A British perfume maker, Lyn Harris, giving insight into her craft through the creation of Perfumer H. Lyn Harris’ uncompromised desire to pioneer naturals back into perfumery was the start of her olfactory journey and today the effortless ease with which she uses her materials within her creations leads to olfactory landscapes that represent individuality and touch you within

睿智、冷靜、安詳、舒服,且充滿洞悉你的智慧。這是曾被倫敦 Somerset House 選為十位改變人們對香水想法的調香師 Lyn Harris

Source : Perfumer H



While perfumery has for too l…
While perfumery has for too long been associated with Paris and the French fragrance houses, Harris felt it was time to create something more homegrown.The Seasonal Editions will be complimented with a portfolio of Laboratory Editions, which customers can buy – even purchasing the formula, should they really fall in love with it.
As ever, Harris will also be …
As ever, Harris will also be working with customers to create their own bespoke fragrances (priced from £15,000). Early on in Perfumer H’s development it was the bottles that provided the starting point for much of the look and feel of Harris’s new venture, created with Michael Ruh Studio, each hand-blown coloured glass vessel is topped with a clear glass stopper and is engraved in gold with the Perfumer H monogram (customers can also have their own bottles personalised with their initials).
Discover a vibrant new perfum…
Discover a vibrant new perfume scene, the contemporary cult perfumes shaking up scent culture and the unseen works of art worn on our skin. Contemporary perfume provocateurs are dispensing with traditional high gloss communication concepts, gender boundaries and conventional notions of good taste.
品牌創辦人Lyn Harris被倫敦Somerset Ho…
品牌創辦人Lyn Harris被倫敦Somerset House選為「10位改變人們對香水想法的調香師」,是世界上少數受過正統培訓的調香師。曾在LVMH集團旗下許多香氛品牌擔任領導香氛的負責人氛。工藝職人性格的她,離開了一手創立的品牌,她只想,有一間小小的實驗室,擺滿4、500瓶具有細微但獨特差距的氣味材料,然後,創造出還未被人實現,卻能在許多獨特的人心中,引發深深共鳴的氣味。能讓人有:「啊,這就是我」的感受。
Lyn Harris從小就有一副靈敏的鼻子,能夠「翻譯」天…
Lyn Harris從小就有一副靈敏的鼻子,能夠「翻譯」天然植物的氣味,而這些能力的啟蒙,來自於祖父母那座恬靜的小屋。廚房裡常常瀰漫出燉煮果醬的甜香味,自家栽種的綠色蔬菜也有淡淡的新鮮香氣,花園裡有各種的季節小花,飄出不同的芬芳,而客廳,燒著嗶嗶剝剝的柴火香。

終日與天然的香氣作物生活在一起,她分辨得出一顆檸檬出自於怎樣的日照,怎樣的環境,和一瓶檸檬主調的香水想要傳達的訊息:這瓶香水,很「樹」,好像真的坐在檸檬樹下,被綠意包圍,讓人感覺有微風輕拂,像在檸檬樹下睡了一場午覺般放鬆。睿智、內斂,安靜、舒服,而且充滿洞悉世界的智慧。這不是在形容一位占星師,而是Lyn Harris的香水。Perfumer H是讓人以嗅覺,踏上旅途,開採風景的途徑。
Lyn Ha…
Lyn Harris,試圖將生活中那些細微的元素,一一撿拾,詩意的轉化為貼近與你的香水。
由 Lyn Harris 所調製的「Lemon Tree」…
由 Lyn Harris 所調製的「Lemon Tree」,也是絕不能漏掉的一款香味之一,與一般常見的檸檬氣味不同,Perfumer H 的「Lemon Tree」充滿著十足的森林感,給人種彷彿坐在檸檬樹下,風輕輕拂過那樹梢而搖動的感覺,創造出這瓶輕盈、令人既是愉悅,又感到開闊的氣息。
Bespoke scents and elements of nature, capsulized to accentuate and resonate with your inner self
Bespoke scents and elements of nature, capsulized to accentuate and resonate with your inner self
Bespoke scents and elements of nature, capsulized to accentuate and resonate with your inner self
Bespoke scents and elements of nature, capsulized to accentuate and resonate with your inner self
Bespoke scents and elements of nature, capsulized to accentuate and resonate with your inner self
Bespoke scents and elements of nature, capsulized to accentuate and resonate with your inner self
Bespoke scents and elements of nature, capsulized to accentuate and resonate with your inner self