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生態融適的終極樹屋旅館 The best treehouse hotels in the world, luxurious and eco-sensitive safari lodge 生態融適的終極樹屋旅館 The best treehouse hotels in the world, luxurious and eco-sensitive safari lodge

生態融適的終極樹屋旅館 The best treehouse hotels in the world, luxurious and eco-sensitive safari lodge

Bisate 是盧旺達第一個純正豪華與生態融適的野生動物園旅館,以最身臨其境的非洲野生靈長類動物體驗為中心。Wilderness期許藉由提供別開生面的生態保育的奢華體驗之旅能促進生態旅遊、捍衛保留非洲大陸的生物的多樣性,同時維護當地社區的發展平衡。並進一步對非洲乃至於額全世界產生正向的影響。

Source: Wilderness Safaris



Comprising just six spacious …
Comprising just six spacious forest villas designed as treehouses, Bisate offers a luxurious base from which to enjoy an extraordinary gorilla conservation experience and life-changing journey to this beautiful region. Situated within the amphitheater of an eroded volcanic cone, Bisate is surrounded by natural splendor, with sweeping views towards the Karisimbi, Bisoke and Mikeno volcanoes.
One of Africa’s most compelli…
One of Africa’s most compelling destinations will begin welcoming back commercial flights and tourists starting on August 1. Now, the country says, it’s time to welcome people back to places like Volcanoes National Park for encounters with mountain gorillas — not to mention other highlights, including Nyungwe Forest National Park and Lake Kivu.
In terms of sustainability, t…
In terms of sustainability, the lodge uses a water filtration system that negates the use of bottled water. Furthermore, Bisate doesn’t use cling wrap, straws or plastic bags, but rather relies on things like environmentally-friendly bee-wax wraps and re-usable eco-coffee cups made out of bamboo fiber. A rain water harvesting system was also implemented. To reduce food transportation, a garden is grown on site with organic waste donated to the community for stock feed and compost.
---- Forbes
向當地傳統建築及文化致敬,而空間中的每一樣家具與擺設則是由當地現有的環保素材所製成。像是以回收玻璃製成的綠色吊燈,呼應著窗外鬱鬱蔥蔥的熱帶雨林,而充滿民俗風圖騰的彩色織物,則以活潑色澤為空間帶來一絲鮮明氣息,融合當地風情之外,更展露了現代建築的魅力。此營地除了讓人探索該區的動植物生態為樂趣以外,恢復此地的森林植被也是 Wilderness Safaris 建造 Bisate Lodge 營地的重要目標。希望建造一處讓旅人友善探索、認識地球風貌的野奢營地,讓來自四面八方的朋友們,試著以了解當異文化與生態的精神來旅行,重回非洲大地的擁抱之外,也為當地居民創造更多就業機會。
Bisate Lodge 營地是由 Nicholas Pl…
Bisate Lodge 營地是由 Nicholas Plewman 建築事務所操刀設計,位於盧安達國家火山公園(Volcanoes National Park)附近,以傳統盧安達建築為靈感,打造由茅草編織而成成圓弧形態外觀,呼應當地山丘地貌,搭配落地玻璃窗和遠眺的露台,與周圍山脈形成毫不衝突的樣貌,宛如在山群中的築繭而居,試圖將非常罕見的自然景觀,以不破壞生態與當地部落文化的方式,介紹給來自全世界的探索者,因此在當地修建一系列野營營地,希望將稀有風光的迷人景致帶給更多人。
生態融適的終極樹屋旅館 The best treehouse hotels in the world, luxurious and eco-sensitive safari lodge
生態融適的終極樹屋旅館 The best treehouse hotels in the world, luxurious and eco-sensitive safari lodge
生態融適的終極樹屋旅館 The best treehouse hotels in the world, luxurious and eco-sensitive safari lodge
生態融適的終極樹屋旅館 The best treehouse hotels in the world, luxurious and eco-sensitive safari lodge
生態融適的終極樹屋旅館 The best treehouse hotels in the world, luxurious and eco-sensitive safari lodge
生態融適的終極樹屋旅館 The best treehouse hotels in the world, luxurious and eco-sensitive safari lodge
生態融適的終極樹屋旅館 The best treehouse hotels in the world, luxurious and eco-sensitive safari lodge