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House of Edward Hopper, now multi-arts center, be inspired like Alfred HItchcock and Ridley Scott House of Edward Hopper, now multi-arts center, be inspired like Alfred HItchcock and Ridley Scott

House of Edward Hopper, now multi-arts center, be inspired like Alfred HItchcock and Ridley Scott

Edward Hopper House in Nyack, New York is the birthplace of the renowned American artist Edward Hopper (1882-1967). ​It was built in 1858 by his maternal grandfather, and served as his primary residence until 1910. After Hopper’s death the house fell into disrepair, but was saved from demolition and restored by members of the local community. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Since 1971, the Edward Hopper House has been a not-for-profit art center and museum, preserving the legacy and home of America's most iconic artist

Source : Edward Hopper House



“In every artist’s developmen…
“In every artist’s development the germ of the later work is always found in the earlier. The nucleus around which the artist’s intellect builds his work is himself: and this changes little from birth to death. What he was once, he always is, with slight modifications. Changing fashions in methods or subject matter alter him little or not at all.”
Calm is easily lost, and hard…
Calm is easily lost, and hard to recollect in a state of frenzy. The steady increase of activity leaves no visible trace. However Edward Hopper’s artworks retain the quietude they’ve always had. Looking at them, and comparing their stillness to current conditions, our perception of change is enhanced. Regularly asking ourselves whether we’re still Edward Hopper paintings, and to what degree, can provide the background we need to decide what our cities become.
---- Forbes
作為影響了Alfred Hitchcork、Jim Jar…
作為影響了Alfred Hitchcork、Jim Jarmusch、Ridley Scott等著名導演的畫家,愛德華·霍普(Edward Hopper)不僅以對光影嫻熟的運用受人敬仰,更因畫作中漫出畫框的孤獨情緒而聞名於世:都市、女性、塊狀的色彩一起構建起他畫筆下疏離的空間。雖然畫裡大多數女子的形象均是以霍普的妻子──Sephine Hopper為原型,但她們卻絲毫不見甜蜜的喜悅,而是形態各異卻都落寞寂寥。無論是在夜晚的咖啡廳、私密的房間或是空蕩的車廂,她們在城市裡均如漂泊的孤島般,各懷心事。
霍普創作速度緩慢,透過嘗試模擬場景的各種草圖、手稿,重塑出特別注重幾何編排、人物與環境相互配置所產生的絕佳平衡感,以表現出對於現代美國生活他個人私密的觀點。“It takes a long time for an idea to strike. Then I have to think about it for a long time. I don't start painting until I have it all worked out in my mind. I'm all right when I get to the easel.” 霍普生活樸實無華,他平時閒暇最大的興趣是和他太太去看電影。或許受到當時黑白電影製作方式的影響,對於利用光影的安排來創造情緒感,也是霍普創作上的核心方法論之一。資料顯示,他和他太太可以為此作出對於各時段、各地點陽光投射影子,以及各式燈光因角度所產生的陰影效果,做了很多的分析和研究,並留下相關記錄文獻。

常人表現孤獨,都是昏暗、壓抑的色調,但霍普不同,他的光線異常激烈,色彩異常顯明,影子的冷與亮部的暖對比強烈 ,這正是他的高明之處。他通過描繪一種普遍性,進而反襯人的渺小、疏離、脆弱與孤單。而不是直接描繪人。就像「念天地之悠悠,獨愴然而涕下」只有簡單的天地人關係,眼淚就嘩嘩流下來,這種孤單,是所有人類共同的底色,是描繪孤單的普遍性。
---- Medium
House of Edward Hopper, now multi-arts center, be inspired like Alfred HItchcock and Ridley Scott
House of Edward Hopper, now multi-arts center, be inspired like Alfred HItchcock and Ridley Scott
House of Edward Hopper, now multi-arts center, be inspired like Alfred HItchcock and Ridley Scott
House of Edward Hopper, now multi-arts center, be inspired like Alfred HItchcock and Ridley Scott
House of Edward Hopper, now multi-arts center, be inspired like Alfred HItchcock and Ridley Scott
House of Edward Hopper, now multi-arts center, be inspired like Alfred HItchcock and Ridley Scott