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Transforming Ikebana floral design to test the boundaries between cultural heritage and artistic expressions. Chen-Hsi Transforming Ikebana floral design to test the boundaries between cultural heritage and artistic expressions. Chen-Hsi

Transforming Ikebana floral design to test the boundaries between cultural heritage and artistic expressions. Chen-Hsi

Chen Hsi is an Ikebana (Japanese flower arrangement) artist based in Taipei, Taiwan. She was captivated by Ikebana when she first visited Kyoto. After then she began to learn how to arrange flower and find diversity between Ikebana and art

陳曦來自台灣,是一位花道藝術家,以草月流花道作為創作主軸,衍伸出攝影、平面、繪畫、裝置等藝術作品。 以紀實攝影作品作為出發點,希望賦予花道藝術新的意義,使用花型紀錄的手法,於攝影及平面繪畫進行再創作,探討花道及純藝術間的更多可能性

Source: Chen-Hsi



日式花道「生け花 (Ikebana)」的魅力,似乎擅長以不…
日式花道「生け花 (Ikebana)」的魅力,似乎擅長以不打擾的姿態走入生活,雖然同樣取用鮮花來進行創作,相較西洋花藝的澎湃,日式花道使用的花材少而簡練,這看似直覺的創作過程,其實更加考驗花藝師個人對美感的精雕細琢。草月流所追求的「隨心所致、順意而成」創作心境,讓陳曦經常向日常取材,一片落葉自然捲曲的輪廓,也能成為拋入的美麗筆劃。仍向日籍大師學習著草月流的陳曦,練習時經常圍繞著配花與插花兩件事進行思考,觀察解構著不同作家的作品,也構思著屬於自己的意境。在她眼裡,隱藏在草月流的精髓與哲學,似乎需要傾盡一生緩緩推敲。
Transforming Ikebana floral design to test the boundaries between cultural heritage and artistic expressions. Chen-Hsi
Transforming Ikebana floral design to test the boundaries between cultural heritage and artistic expressions. Chen-Hsi
Transforming Ikebana floral design to test the boundaries between cultural heritage and artistic expressions. Chen-Hsi
Transforming Ikebana floral design to test the boundaries between cultural heritage and artistic expressions. Chen-Hsi
Transforming Ikebana floral design to test the boundaries between cultural heritage and artistic expressions. Chen-Hsi
Transforming Ikebana floral design to test the boundaries between cultural heritage and artistic expressions. Chen-Hsi
Transforming Ikebana floral design to test the boundaries between cultural heritage and artistic expressions. Chen-Hsi