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Reuniting and fusing the beauty of champagne making and tasting with gallery of fine arts, Pommery in Reims. Reuniting and fusing the beauty of champagne making and tasting with gallery of fine arts, Pommery in Reims.

Reuniting and fusing the beauty of champagne making and tasting with gallery of fine arts, Pommery in Reims.

Each year, the Pommery Champagne house in Reims offers a contemporary art exhibition in its chalk quarries, a show called "The Pommery Experience."In 2020/2021, the Esprit Souterrain ("INTROSPECTION") theme was chosen for the 15th edition

Source:Pommery Champagne house



Experiences Pommery, Contempo…
Experiences Pommery, Contemporary Art at the Pommery Estate. Art plays a vital role in Pommery's history. Ever since its establishment, our House has collaborated with different artists "to share the lighter side of art".

The very embodiment of the Pommery Experiences, its "monumental contemporary art exhibitions" attracting more than 100,000 visitors each year to our sumptuous cellars in Reims. For 175 years, Pommery has been revolutionising the world of Art and the Arts.
“This place offers a drama th…
“This place offers a drama that most places with which we’re familiar cannot,” Bernard Blistène, guest curator of Expérience Pommery said. Indeed, despite the historic surrounds and the trappings of tradition, the approach to art is far from stuffy.

The same zesty flavour, ebullient spirit and joie de vivre one associates with champagne, animates the exhibitions and collections.
Stephen Wilks’s Donkey Rounda…
Stephen Wilks’s Donkey Roundabout . Sensually provocative and perverse, it is a macabre sculptural carousel of limp donkeys carried round-and-round by stiff wooden skeletons, rotating on wooden gears. Its sly burlesque mode spoke to me of cycles of confinement and de-confinement, as the artist has inserted texts and drawings in the donkeys’ pockets from people he has met during his travels. It is both a humble and high-minded reminder that we never can really move past the presence of viral pestilence.
Reuniting and fusing the beauty of champagne making and tasting with gallery of fine arts, Pommery in Reims.
Reuniting and fusing the beauty of champagne making and tasting with gallery of fine arts, Pommery in Reims.
Reuniting and fusing the beauty of champagne making and tasting with gallery of fine arts, Pommery in Reims.
Reuniting and fusing the beauty of champagne making and tasting with gallery of fine arts, Pommery in Reims.
Reuniting and fusing the beauty of champagne making and tasting with gallery of fine arts, Pommery in Reims.
Reuniting and fusing the beauty of champagne making and tasting with gallery of fine arts, Pommery in Reims.