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台灣茶葉世家培製獨有的世界綠茶金獎–開蘭茶 Award winning, Kalon, from generations of tea family legacy, fuses olfactory expertise and technology mindset to produce taste and fragrance embraced by Michelin chef

台灣茶葉世家培製獨有的世界綠茶金獎–開蘭茶 Award winning, Kalon, from generations of tea family legacy, fuses olfactory expertise and technology mindset to produce taste and fragrance embraced by Michelin chef

開蘭茶,從茶園管理、採收、製造、烘焙、品評,專注於極大化茶葉香氣滋味,大量實驗、修正茶葉製程,是台灣茶區以科學研究為首的茶葉世家。茶品獲iTQi比利時絕佳風味獎、TEA EPICURE 美國茶葉供應商感官平台世界烏龍茶冠軍、THE WORLD GREEN TEA CONTEST 世界綠茶大賽最高金獎殊榮

Source: KALON TEA 開蘭茶



首次於RAW 5周年紀念餐會推出即轟動全場的「KALON …
首次於RAW 5周年紀念餐會推出即轟動全場的「KALON TEA 開蘭茶」,江振誠回想:「有天茶農的女兒從山上帶著茶葉到RAW拜訪,表明這茶葉只有主廚能理解,我禮貌性地短暫接待;喝下第一杯茶後感受到風味的震撼,讓我決定直接登門拜訪她的父親。」江振誠亦表示,至今他只喝「KALON TEA 開蘭茶」這種茶,更希望藉由初心首映會跟大家一起分享台灣處處瑰寶的感動。
開蘭茶以陽台茶席此線下活動開始了許多美麗的連結,例如受邀並代表台灣茶參加「東方藝式流Xanadu Motion – Taiwan New Wave」,在巴黎瑪黑區 Espace Commines帶來一場東西方文化藝術對話。
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台灣茶葉世家培製獨有的世界綠茶金獎–開蘭茶 Award winning, Kalon, from generations of tea family legacy, fuses olfactory expertise and technology mindset to produce taste and fragrance embraced by Michelin chef
台灣茶葉世家培製獨有的世界綠茶金獎–開蘭茶 Award winning, Kalon, from generations of tea family legacy, fuses olfactory expertise and technology mindset to produce taste and fragrance embraced by Michelin chef
台灣茶葉世家培製獨有的世界綠茶金獎–開蘭茶 Award winning, Kalon, from generations of tea family legacy, fuses olfactory expertise and technology mindset to produce taste and fragrance embraced by Michelin chef
台灣茶葉世家培製獨有的世界綠茶金獎–開蘭茶 Award winning, Kalon, from generations of tea family legacy, fuses olfactory expertise and technology mindset to produce taste and fragrance embraced by Michelin chef
台灣茶葉世家培製獨有的世界綠茶金獎–開蘭茶 Award winning, Kalon, from generations of tea family legacy, fuses olfactory expertise and technology mindset to produce taste and fragrance embraced by Michelin chef
台灣茶葉世家培製獨有的世界綠茶金獎–開蘭茶 Award winning, Kalon, from generations of tea family legacy, fuses olfactory expertise and technology mindset to produce taste and fragrance embraced by Michelin chef
台灣茶葉世家培製獨有的世界綠茶金獎–開蘭茶 Award winning, Kalon, from generations of tea family legacy, fuses olfactory expertise and technology mindset to produce taste and fragrance embraced by Michelin chef
台灣茶葉世家培製獨有的世界綠茶金獎–開蘭茶 Award winning, Kalon, from generations of tea family legacy, fuses olfactory expertise and technology mindset to produce taste and fragrance embraced by Michelin chef