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Hotel in space, designed by Phillipe Starck, co-founded by NASA former International Space Station manager Michael Suffredini.  View our home planet from the cosmos.  Axiom Space, 2028

Hotel in space, designed by Phillipe Starck, co-founded by NASA former International Space Station manager Michael Suffredini. View our home planet from the cosmos. Axiom Space, 2028

Many of those who travel to space recount undergoing a fundamental cognitive shift

Viewing our home planet from the Cosmos within which it rests, protected by a thin and wispy atmosphere, affects a transcendent experience that has been termed ‘the Overview Effect.’ Astronauts return from space changed, with a renewed perspective on humanity that remains with them the rest of their lives. The trip awakens something that feels primordial, eternal, and essential

Source: Axiom Space



The crew module, which will d…
The crew module, which will double as the hotel, features décor by noted interior designer Philippe Starck.

The cabins will offer plush padded walls and furnishings, futuristic color-changing LEDs and panoramic views of our home planet that’s some 250 miles away.
Mouth-watering meals will be …
Mouth-watering meals will be served at the Earth Observatory lounge where you can feast with your fellow earthlings while overlooking the vast expanse of space, along with drinks served glasses specifically-designed to work in microgravity.

Voyagers must also undergo 15 weeks of rigorous training . This hasn’t deterred Tom Cruise, however, who has reportedly already snapped up a seat and is currently in talks with director Doug Liman to shoot the first film in space.
But while most see space hote…
But while most see space hotels as something of the distant future, if Axiom Space has its way, they might just arrive sooner than anticipated. The Houston-based company was co-founded by NASAs former International Space Station (ISS) manager Michael Suffredini who is now seeking to launch the first segment of a new commercial space station in three years.

The $2 billion USD project, aptly named “AxStation”, could arrive as soon as 2028, with the first crew module attached to the Space Station by 2024.
Hotel in space, designed by Phillipe Starck, co-founded by NASA former International Space Station manager Michael Suffredini.  View our home planet from the cosmos.  Axiom Space, 2028
Hotel in space, designed by Phillipe Starck, co-founded by NASA former International Space Station manager Michael Suffredini.  View our home planet from the cosmos.  Axiom Space, 2028
Hotel in space, designed by Phillipe Starck, co-founded by NASA former International Space Station manager Michael Suffredini.  View our home planet from the cosmos.  Axiom Space, 2028
Hotel in space, designed by Phillipe Starck, co-founded by NASA former International Space Station manager Michael Suffredini.  View our home planet from the cosmos.  Axiom Space, 2028
Hotel in space, designed by Phillipe Starck, co-founded by NASA former International Space Station manager Michael Suffredini.  View our home planet from the cosmos.  Axiom Space, 2028
Hotel in space, designed by Phillipe Starck, co-founded by NASA former International Space Station manager Michael Suffredini.  View our home planet from the cosmos.  Axiom Space, 2028