Artistic expressions from introspection of our experiences and temporality of circumstance, yet freedom of imagination and enrichment of the soul found
Yoshitomo Nara is a pioneering figure in contemporary art whose signature style—which expresses children in a range of emotional complexities from resistance and rebellion to quietude and contemplation—celebrates the introspective freedom of the imagination and the individual
奈良美智特展首度來台,這次為台灣帶來他的最新作品《月光小姐》,首次海外展出 3月亮相關渡美術館。這些年的尋根之旅,與許多人的相遇、也受到很多影響,讓過去總是面對自己而創作的奈良美智,在創作這《Miss Moonlight月光小姐》時,卻是第一次一邊想像著人們看月亮的時候,在月光下思考些什麼,一邊畫下想像中的觀賞者的畫像
Exhibition at the Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, March 12 - June 20, 2021
Source: 奈良美智特展, Pace Gallery