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沉浸於超凡視覺藝術空間,冰火交錯的絕妙桑納體驗 Perfecting sauna trance beyond meditation. Rinkan Sauna 沉浸於超凡視覺藝術空間,冰火交錯的絕妙桑納體驗 Perfecting sauna trance beyond meditation. Rinkan Sauna

沉浸於超凡視覺藝術空間,冰火交錯的絕妙桑納體驗 Perfecting sauna trance beyond meditation. Rinkan Sauna

Scientifically speaking, sauna trance is an exceptionally unique neurological state brought about by alternating hot and cold baths (repeated exposure to saunas, cold water, and rest). When entering a sauna trance, the senses sharpen, the mind clears, the beauty of the surrounding world comes into focus, and what normally goes unnoticed can be experienced. Visitors go even deeper by entering the sauna, experiencing a sauna trance, and becoming immersed in the art. It can be described as a state similar to meditation

A New Art and Sauna Experience at Roppongi, Tokyo. March - August, 2021

Source : teamLabSauna



If sounds like a novel idea, …
If sounds like a novel idea, it isn’t really: teamLab actually drew their inspiration from rinkan no cha no yu, a 15th-century practice that combined communal baths and chado (tea ceremony). The difference is that now, after the sauna and the subsequent cold bath, instead of matcha green tea and its utensils, the visitors has the opportunity to appreciate works of contemporary art.
However, their newest exhibit…
However, their newest exhibition, teamLab Reconnect, brings light art and digital projection to a whole new physical, and sweaty, level. Located in Roppongi, teamLab Reconnect combines a traditional sauna with the group’s otherworldly art.
最早的「桑拿」可以追溯至日本室町時代中期,日式文化中將沐浴後向客人敬茶的茶道稱為“淋汗茶會”,在沐浴的場所內也裝飾有書畫、香爐、花瓶、掛軸等供人欣賞,是完美將藝術與早期桑拿結合的形式。自古以來在日本,人們就把蒸桑拿、觀賞藝術以及喝茶作為文化消遣的活動。現在,teamLab 嘗試以新方式揭秘“淋汗茶會”的歷史背景,在本次展覽中將蒸桑區、冷水區、藝術沐浴區連接至同一個空間中,繼而創造連續的體驗,從而讓桑拿與藝術一體化。
在展覽中,基於 teamLab 全新藝術項目 “Super…
在展覽中,基於 teamLab 全新藝術項目 “Supernature Phenomenon” 所創作的新作品群,會有多件藝術作品被展出,包括通過藝術作品探索生命體認知變化的 “懸浮 / Levitation” ,以及依據季節不斷變化而輪回不斷萌芽、生長、盛放、雕零與死亡過程的 “Proliferating Immense Life – A Whole Year per Year(増殖する無量の生命)”。來場者通過體驗 “teamLab Reconnect” 在桑拿中解放身心,並深入體驗藝術,目前更多展覽場館正在建設中,預計將在 3 月開放,敬請期待。
沉浸於超凡視覺藝術空間,冰火交錯的絕妙桑納體驗 Perfecting sauna trance beyond meditation. Rinkan Sauna
沉浸於超凡視覺藝術空間,冰火交錯的絕妙桑納體驗 Perfecting sauna trance beyond meditation. Rinkan Sauna
沉浸於超凡視覺藝術空間,冰火交錯的絕妙桑納體驗 Perfecting sauna trance beyond meditation. Rinkan Sauna
沉浸於超凡視覺藝術空間,冰火交錯的絕妙桑納體驗 Perfecting sauna trance beyond meditation. Rinkan Sauna
沉浸於超凡視覺藝術空間,冰火交錯的絕妙桑納體驗 Perfecting sauna trance beyond meditation. Rinkan Sauna
沉浸於超凡視覺藝術空間,冰火交錯的絕妙桑納體驗 Perfecting sauna trance beyond meditation. Rinkan Sauna
沉浸於超凡視覺藝術空間,冰火交錯的絕妙桑納體驗 Perfecting sauna trance beyond meditation. Rinkan Sauna