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羅浮宮復甦之慶 Newly renovated Musée du Louvre awakens, celebrates by cellist Camille Thomas and Mona Lisa up close 羅浮宮復甦之慶 Newly renovated Musée du Louvre awakens, celebrates by cellist Camille Thomas and Mona Lisa up close

羅浮宮復甦之慶 Newly renovated Musée du Louvre awakens, celebrates by cellist Camille Thomas and Mona Lisa up close

The Louvre is preparing to open newly-renovated rooms in the heart of the former palace before the summer of 2021. These include a new introduction to Egyptian Antiquities; the installation of the Etruscan and Italic collections in the former King’s apartments; and a new hanging of masterworks of early Italian painting in a renovated Salon Carré

The Louvre's entire art collection is now accessible online for free, you can view nearly 500,000 works of art from the comfort of your own home

Source: Musée du Louvre



Bid for the Louvre: unique lu…
Bid for the Louvre: unique luxury pieces and once-in-a-lifetime experiences sold to benefit the Louvre social and educational programs.

Each year, the Mona Lisa is taken down from the wall and removed from her glass case for a fleeting moment. This masterpiece, painted by Leonardo da Vinci circa 1503 on a very thin poplar panel, is threatened by a crack.

In the company of your guest and Jean-Luc Martinez, President-Director of the musée du Louvre, you will attend the inspection of the Mona Lisa.
Beyond the Mona Lisa, in the …
Beyond the Mona Lisa, in the Louvre's Salle de Caryatides - a room designed by Pierre Lescot in the 16th century and filled with Greek works of art - Franco-Belgian cellist Camille Thomas performed a series of pieces by classical composers for a special video set to air on YouTube March 5.

Thomas says playing in inside the Louvre was a transformative experience. "It's really for me extremely moving because I find myself amid eternity, amid absolute hope," said Thomas.
The Studio, a new learning an…
The Studio, a new learning and discovery center, opening soon at the Louvre.

This is a brand new space for families, school groups, disabled or disadvantaged visitors and the people accompanying them. Its activities will be designed to offer visitors a different kind of museum experience and encourage their discovery of the artworks. The new rooms, designed with current educational practices in mind, will be located on Level -1 of the Richelieu wing, near the Petite Galerie and permanent collections.
"When the museum reopens, eve…
"When the museum reopens, everything will be perfect for its visitors—this Sleeping Beauty will have had the time to powder her nose," Elisabeth Antoine-Konig, an artefacts department curator told Associated Press. "Visitors will be happy to see again these now well-lit rooms with polished floors and remodelled display cases."
Those projects include cleani…
Those projects include cleaning sculptures, reordering artifacts, checking inventories, reorganizing entrances and updating security systems. Museum staff are also conducting restorations in the Grande Galerie and a major restoration of the ancient Egyptian tomb chapel of Akhethotep from 2400 BC.
In total, 10 large-scale projects that were on hold since last March are under way — and progressing fast.
The Girardon Crypt has been r…
The Girardon Crypt has been renovated!

Major lighting and refreshment work have just been carried out in this space located at the entrance of the Louvre's sculpture department. The sculptures by François Girardon, Pierre Puget, or Antoine Coysevox, will now welcome you into the light.
For anyone who simply cannot …
For anyone who simply cannot stop daydreaming about their future trip to Paris to see all the gorgeous masterpieces in real life, there are still a few ways to engage with the museum online. Since the early days of the pandemic, the museum has been hard at work curating a rotating collection of educational opportunities for children and adults alike, along with plenty of virtual tours, that will satisfy your lust for travel, for now.
羅浮宮復甦之慶 Newly renovated Musée du Louvre awakens, celebrates by cellist Camille Thomas and Mona Lisa up close
羅浮宮復甦之慶 Newly renovated Musée du Louvre awakens, celebrates by cellist Camille Thomas and Mona Lisa up close
羅浮宮復甦之慶 Newly renovated Musée du Louvre awakens, celebrates by cellist Camille Thomas and Mona Lisa up close
羅浮宮復甦之慶 Newly renovated Musée du Louvre awakens, celebrates by cellist Camille Thomas and Mona Lisa up close
羅浮宮復甦之慶 Newly renovated Musée du Louvre awakens, celebrates by cellist Camille Thomas and Mona Lisa up close
羅浮宮復甦之慶 Newly renovated Musée du Louvre awakens, celebrates by cellist Camille Thomas and Mona Lisa up close