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採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺 採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺

採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺

To celebrate its 40th anniversary in Asia, Sotheby’s Hong Kong collaborates with Cindy Chao to create the 2013 Black Label Masterpiece No. 19, an 8.03-carat unheated “Pigeon’s Blood” Burmese Ruby Ribbon Ring. The ring is the highlight of the anniversary auction and achieves US$3.84 million, setting a new record for an Asian contemporary art jewel

Employing cire perdue, an 18th century technique of crafting designs in lost-wax casting, each piece is an expression of her unique vision, appreciation of rare materials and interpretation of beautiful forms

Chao is most known for her limited-edition Black Label Masterpieces, White Label Collection and Annual Butterfly creations. Each butterfly takes more than 18 months to complete as thousands of gemstones are set on and around delicately-moulded wings. In 2010, she became the first Taiwanese jewellery artist to have her work inducted into the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History’s gem collection

Source: Sotheby’s and



藝術珠寶品牌 CINDY CHAO The Art Jew…
藝術珠寶品牌 CINDY CHAO The Art Jewel於2021年度舉辦的Black Label Masterpiece大師系列暨15周年系列藝術珠寶媒體鑑賞會。品牌大師系列紅寶石牡丹胸針為英國維多利亞與亞伯特(V&A)博物館納館永久典藏,同時珠寶藝術家趙心綺(Cindy Chao)授封法國國家級藝術與文學騎士勳銜,趙心綺受訪時說道自己接受法國文化部長授勳的心情,「授勳很像是被戴上隱形皇冠,確認了自己的身份。這像是一個繼續在未來創新的身分證。」
繼「皇家蝴蝶胸針」、「紅寶石側飛蝴蝶胸針」,「紅寶石牡丹胸針」成為 Cindy Chao 第三件獲世界級博物館納館典藏之作,是品牌美學成就的再一佐證。以下,藉此三件作品的風格亮點與工藝解析,走入趙心綺Cindy Chao 的藝術世界。
台灣珠寶藝術家 Cindy Chao 璀璨新作說人生體悟,…
台灣珠寶藝術家 Cindy Chao 璀璨新作說人生體悟,從自家客廳到登上倫敦 V&A 博物館、授勳法國騎士:「專注做對一件事,結果會超乎想像。」
---- Wazaiii
2020 is already proving to be…
2020 is already proving to be quite the year for Cindy Chao The Art Jewel, as the brand celebrates 15 years of exquisite jewellery-making, and the achievement of an incredible milestone — an induction into the Musée des Arts Décoratifs. Marking the first time ever that a Taiwanese jewellery artist has made it into the globally-acclaimed museum’s permanent collection, the luxury jeweler will be contributing its Black Label Masterpiece I, the ‘Ruby Butterfly Brooch’ (2008) to the musee.
CINDY CHAO The Art Jewel pres…
CINDY CHAO The Art Jewel presents its latest Black Label Masterpieces at Masterpiece London 2019. Its Black Label Masterpiece “Winter Leaves Necklace” won the Masterpiece London Highlight Award, selected for being the “Best Jewellery Piece of the Fair.”
What we do is celebrate the t…
What we do is celebrate the traditions of artisanal creativity—it can take up to 10,000 man-hours to produce just one of our Cindy Chao pieces using hands-on techniques such as wax sculpting. In fact, I am always astonished whenever I see 18th century craftsmanship in jewellery. As a modern artisan utilising a traditional technique like wax sculpting, I feel honoured to be able to preserve it and pass it on to future generations,” Chao explains.
不僅是Cindy Chao The Art Jewel,全…
不僅是Cindy Chao The Art Jewel,全世界的珠寶獨立創作者都正挑戰著自己的極限,其中,帶有個人背景與文化的觀點更成為了品牌的獨特符碼,Cindy來自亞洲的視角,更豐富了這場棋局上由傳統歐洲品牌主導的行業格局。
CINDY CHAO The Art Jewel於2019…
CINDY CHAO The Art Jewel於2019年時公開第九件大師系列年度蝴蝶作品,正逢品牌十五週年之際,這款「極光蝴蝶」探究的是自我藝術創作及生命之根源。創作理念來自其為建築師的外祖父,以「脈絡」的概念展現建築師外祖父—謝自南的建構思維,因此作品也呈現多層次的360度立體結構,以黃鑽翅脈、藍寶翅膀及鑽石鱗翅的三層式立體架構,搭配色彩奪目的紅寶石,創作出如同極光般極其珍貴的視覺效果。

Asian jewel artist Cindy Chao…
Asian jewel artist Cindy Chao, co-designed her one-of-a-kind CINDY CHAO Maison in collaboration with two other world esteemed artists – Dutch architect Tom Postma and French-Swedish sculptor Ingrid Donat.

Cindy conceives of CINDY CHAO Shanghai Maison as her home – an invitation- and appointment-only space that prepares collectors to be most emotionally receptive to the art jewels and allows them to immerse in Cindy’s exclusive creativity and artistry. It is destined to be a hidden gem in Shanghai.
Just two years later, the Smi…
Just two years later, the Smithsonian Institution hailed Chao by adding the 2009 Black Label Masterpiece I “Royal Butterfly Brooch” to the collection of the National Museum of National History. “The awe-inspiring array of colourful and glistening gems and Cindy Chao’s masterful design combine to create a whimsically beautiful jewelled butterfly,” Jeffrey Post, curator of the museum’s gems and minerals collection, said at the time of the acquisition.
採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺
採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺
採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺
採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺
採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺
採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺
採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺
採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺
採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺
採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺
採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺
採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺
採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺
採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺
採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺
採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺
採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺
採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺
採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺
採金為絲,嵌玉綴翠 The Masterpieces Transcend Boundaries— Cindy Chao趙心綺