美髮技藝結合科技,將五顏六色的花卉圖騰轉印在俐落鮮明的髮型Combination of artisanal styles mixed with technology. Alexis Ferrer, “La Favorite”
After years of exploring hair as a canvas, Spanish hairdresser Alexis Ferrer has developed a new, evolved technique for vibrant, full-color hair printing, culminating in his autumn 2020 collection, ‘la favorite’. The viral series draws influence from 18th-century fabric patterns, decorating sharp blonde bob cuts with flowering branches, butterflies, and hummingbirds
The ‘la favorite’ collection was created through a combination of artisanal styles mixed with technology. A perfect blend for the new generation who are looking for new boundaries of fashion, Ferrer comments, once again it shows that everything in fashion remains to be invented and to be innovated
Source: Alexis Ferrer, designboom