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In a parallel universe of Hangzhou West Lake, and contemporary aesthetics and luxury, you traverse two different eras of heritage and experience the wonders of West Lake old and new In a parallel universe of Hangzhou West Lake, and contemporary aesthetics and luxury, you traverse two different eras of heritage and experience the wonders of West Lake old and new

In a parallel universe of Hangzhou West Lake, and contemporary aesthetics and luxury, you traverse two different eras of heritage and experience the wonders of West Lake old and new

Situated in the modern era, with a distant view of the West Lake, one space is located in two time zones. Like an ancient city was built on the West Lake

Hangzhou West Lake is one of the famous World Cultural Heritage sites. It is one of the four seasons Culturally Curious (World Heritage themed cultural experience itineraries), where you can take a traditional single-topped wooden boat and let the boatman guide you to explore the ancient waterways and tell you about the famous scenery of West Lake. The swimming pools are deliberately built on the shore of the West Lake. Numerous temples and pagodas in the lake guide you to the waters that have fascinated many emperors

Turning back to the modern day, you can enjoy the relaxing sensation of a piano-string resonance massage, a spa, a cocktail on the terrace, and a cup of Longjing tea

This is what the Four Seasons at West Lake can offer you

Source: Four Seasons Hotels / HANGZHOU AT WEST LAKE



杭州西湖四季酒店的 Culturally Curious …
杭州西湖四季酒店的 Culturally Curious 行程,為住宿兩晚以上的貴賓限定。行程包括杭州蕭山國際機場或火車站至酒店的豪華轎車單程接駁、遊杭州的龍井村與靈隱寺、在西湖斷橋畔百年古蹟的「湖隱茶書屋」體驗中國茶道。亦可付費包船遊西湖,早餐航程也是備受歡迎的行程。航遊在晨間西湖的瀲灩波光,愜意品地產龍井茶,佐以杭州湯麵「片兒川」、小籠包、燒賣和油條。
By combing string resonance w…
By combing string resonance with excellent massage technique, we will offer you a perfect-cooperated and finger-skilled string mandara massage. Let ethereal melody and massage skill gently touch your heart and take away all negative emotion. The sound of strings may deepen into every cell of the body to gain comfort both physically and mentally as well as improving sleeping quality.
臉書創辦人祖克伯(Mark Zuckerberg)攜華裔老…
臉書創辦人祖克伯(Mark Zuckerberg)攜華裔老婆普莉希拉.陳(Priscilla Chan)現身上海街頭入住西子湖四季酒店。四季酒店的地理位置實在太棒了,設備極新穎,白牆、灰瓦的徽派建築,呈現江南水鄉的美麗風光。
---- ETtoday


In a parallel universe of Hangzhou West Lake, and contemporary aesthetics and luxury, you traverse two different eras of heritage and experience the wonders of West Lake old and new
In a parallel universe of Hangzhou West Lake, and contemporary aesthetics and luxury, you traverse two different eras of heritage and experience the wonders of West Lake old and new
In a parallel universe of Hangzhou West Lake, and contemporary aesthetics and luxury, you traverse two different eras of heritage and experience the wonders of West Lake old and new
In a parallel universe of Hangzhou West Lake, and contemporary aesthetics and luxury, you traverse two different eras of heritage and experience the wonders of West Lake old and new
In a parallel universe of Hangzhou West Lake, and contemporary aesthetics and luxury, you traverse two different eras of heritage and experience the wonders of West Lake old and new
In a parallel universe of Hangzhou West Lake, and contemporary aesthetics and luxury, you traverse two different eras of heritage and experience the wonders of West Lake old and new
In a parallel universe of Hangzhou West Lake, and contemporary aesthetics and luxury, you traverse two different eras of heritage and experience the wonders of West Lake old and new
In a parallel universe of Hangzhou West Lake, and contemporary aesthetics and luxury, you traverse two different eras of heritage and experience the wonders of West Lake old and new
In a parallel universe of Hangzhou West Lake, and contemporary aesthetics and luxury, you traverse two different eras of heritage and experience the wonders of West Lake old and new
In a parallel universe of Hangzhou West Lake, and contemporary aesthetics and luxury, you traverse two different eras of heritage and experience the wonders of West Lake old and new
In a parallel universe of Hangzhou West Lake, and contemporary aesthetics and luxury, you traverse two different eras of heritage and experience the wonders of West Lake old and new
In a parallel universe of Hangzhou West Lake, and contemporary aesthetics and luxury, you traverse two different eras of heritage and experience the wonders of West Lake old and new