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Biggest underwater museum of coral reef based sculptures, brings together art and conservation of natural reefs towards reducing Global Warming Biggest underwater museum of coral reef based sculptures, brings together art and conservation of natural reefs towards reducing Global Warming

Biggest underwater museum of coral reef based sculptures, brings together art and conservation of natural reefs towards reducing Global Warming

The biggest underwater museum in the world that brings together conservation and art. We have the responsibility to ensure the well being of other living forms on planet Earth. The conservation of the natural reefs has become a critical issue towards reducing the Global Warming, among other important actions, to preserve life

Here, you can choose how to visit the art pieces like snorkel, scuba dive or glass boat

Source: Underwater Museum of Art Cancún IslaMujeres



The project began in 2009 as …
The project began in 2009 as an effort to protect the endangered Mesoamerican Reef (the second-largest barrier reef in the world) by diverting divers and snorkelers to MUSA.

Roberto Díaz Abraham, one of the founders of the museum, describes it as an "art of conservation." Each sculpture holds special nooks and crannies that help to support the breeding of marine life while providing a safe habitat.
Roberto Díaz Abraham, one of …
Roberto Díaz Abraham, one of the founders of the museum, describes it as an "art of conservation." Each sculpture holds special nooks and crannies that help to support the breeding of marine life while providing a safe habitat.

Six artists helped to compose the works found in MUSA: Jason deCaires Taylor, who is also a co-founder of the museum, Roberto Díaz Abraham, Salvador Quiroz Ennis, Rodrigo Quiñones Reyes, Karen Salinas Martínez and Enrique Mireles, but a large portion of the works are by Taylor.
MUSA is composed of three dif…
MUSA is composed of three different sculpture galleries. The shallowest of the three is Punta Sam, followed by the slightly deeper Punta Nizuc, and the largest and deepest one, Manchones. If you like to go snorkeling, then Punta Sam and Punt Nizuc provide a great opportunity for this, while Manchones at around 8 meters or 26 feet deep is best for a scuba diving adventure.
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The Underwater Museum itself …
The Underwater Museum itself recommends you snorkel or scuba dive in order to easily see its collection. Some parts of the museum are better seen snorkeling, while others are better while scuba diving. If you would rather stay dry, then a glass-bottom boat tour provides an alternative; however, many of the sculptures are in deep water and much easier to see while diving or snorkeling as MUSA recommends.
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Biggest underwater museum of coral reef based sculptures, brings together art and conservation of natural reefs towards reducing Global Warming
Biggest underwater museum of coral reef based sculptures, brings together art and conservation of natural reefs towards reducing Global Warming
Biggest underwater museum of coral reef based sculptures, brings together art and conservation of natural reefs towards reducing Global Warming
Biggest underwater museum of coral reef based sculptures, brings together art and conservation of natural reefs towards reducing Global Warming
Biggest underwater museum of coral reef based sculptures, brings together art and conservation of natural reefs towards reducing Global Warming
Biggest underwater museum of coral reef based sculptures, brings together art and conservation of natural reefs towards reducing Global Warming
Biggest underwater museum of coral reef based sculptures, brings together art and conservation of natural reefs towards reducing Global Warming
Biggest underwater museum of coral reef based sculptures, brings together art and conservation of natural reefs towards reducing Global Warming
Biggest underwater museum of coral reef based sculptures, brings together art and conservation of natural reefs towards reducing Global Warming
Biggest underwater museum of coral reef based sculptures, brings together art and conservation of natural reefs towards reducing Global Warming
Biggest underwater museum of coral reef based sculptures, brings together art and conservation of natural reefs towards reducing Global Warming
Biggest underwater museum of coral reef based sculptures, brings together art and conservation of natural reefs towards reducing Global Warming