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Beyond recreation of memories and create moments old and new to fulfill your wishes and longings.  VIVE Studios Beyond recreation of memories and create moments old and new to fulfill your wishes and longings.  VIVE Studios

Beyond recreation of memories and create moments old and new to fulfill your wishes and longings. VIVE Studios

VIVE STUDIOS unique project is to produce documentaries in VR, where the movements, sounds and personalities are analyzed for a deceased young girl due to leukemia. The resulting experience enables the “reborn” girl’s mother to spend the day with her dear child again, reliving their lives together singing birthday songs, eating the little girl's favorite food, and finally, the mother was able come to closure and say goodbye to her daughter. Even though the mother was filled with tears, she had the opportunity to say goodbye and began the process of healing

VIVE STUDIOS is not only used to simulate deceased relatives, but also to present different environments, such as recreating the scene of an occupational disaster. Through this technology, the public can feel more empathetic to various events by feeling like they are...




The documentary, entitled “Me…
The documentary, entitled “Meeting You”, struck a chord with many South Koreans while highlighting the growing scope of the new technology beyond gaming.

“People would often think that technology is something that’s cold. We decided to participate to see if technology can comfort and warm your heart when it is used for people,” said Lee Hyun-suk, director of the Seoul-based VIVE Studios, who led the project.
---- Reuters
《遇見你》的感人紀錄片重現母女生活中的溫暖回憶,Ji-sung戴上Vive追蹤器和觸感手套,呼喊女兒後馬上出現眼前,呈現溫馨並令人動容的畫面。此影片由南韓新創Vive Studios開發,短短幾9分鐘製片卻長達8個月。據了解,團隊也找來體型與女兒相似的演員進行動態捕捉,並利用舊照及影片結合攝影測量法、3D動態捕捉製作而成。其中一些動作是根據他生前的影片所表現出來的。

除此之外,Vive Studios透過家人所提供的資料,使用人工智慧(AI)和語音辨別技術模擬出女兒的音調,並能與媽媽簡單對話。
“Our goal, when producing ‘Vo…
“Our goal, when producing ‘Volt,’ was to start with a high-end product that no other individual or company could catch up with in a short amount of time,” says Lee Hyun-suk of Vive Studios, who is also the director of “Volt.” “I believed that VR would be the future of new media when Facebook acquired Oculus.”
Beyond recreation of memories and create moments old and new to fulfill your wishes and longings.  VIVE Studios
Beyond recreation of memories and create moments old and new to fulfill your wishes and longings.  VIVE Studios
Beyond recreation of memories and create moments old and new to fulfill your wishes and longings.  VIVE Studios
Beyond recreation of memories and create moments old and new to fulfill your wishes and longings.  VIVE Studios