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Your unique experience captured and transformed by expert cameramen, edited and produced for your memory sake as “dedicated feature“ Your unique experience captured and transformed by expert cameramen, edited and produced for your memory sake as “dedicated feature“

Your unique experience captured and transformed by expert cameramen, edited and produced for your memory sake as “dedicated feature“

Travel and photography have always gone hand in hand. A photograph can offer a unique glimpse into an experience, inspire and awaken some of our most poignant memories. But while it’s essential to document our experiences, sometimes we feel a moment needs to be experienced without the interruption of capturing it on camera or smartphone, and from a totally new perspective that few others will have experienced before. It’s with this notion in mind that we created service; DRONE THE WORLD

Featured photographer, TIM BROWNING: Currently at work on a long term National Geographic project, has created a career as a concept artist and art director for James Bond, Star Wars and Tim Burton films to name a few. Renowned for his creative expertise, industry knowledge and ability in working in the least accessible places around the world to film, landscapes, people and wildlife

Source: BLACK TOMATO inspirations



These expert cameramen have w…
These expert cameramen have worked on "James Bond" and "Star Wars" movies, as well as award-winning documentaries for BBC and National Geographic.

You can be paired with an expert cameraman who will document part of or all of your trip by drone, and then edit that footage into a "dedicated featurette," which you will receive once you return from your vacation.
For some, it's the ultimate v…
For some, it's the ultimate vacation souvenir and the perfect way to continue reliving vacation memories over and over again. For others, it's about having incredible footage to share on social media. Half the fun of going on holiday, after all, is sharing stories after the fact.

Either way, besides getting blockbuster-quality footage, the other major benefit of having a professional along is that you get sit back and enjoy it all without digging out your phone every 10 minutes.
Now that’s what we call some …
Now that’s what we call some beautiful B-roll.

“We looked at our own network of cameramen and photographers and have slowly been offering people the opportunity to capture these incredible destinations from a new perspective and a new height. In order to deliver truly one of a kind travel experiences with a difference we’re now offering all clients the chance to travel with famous drone cameramen to add another new dimension to their holidays.”
These cool new travel compani…
These cool new travel companions of yours aren’t just any old photographers, they’ll be able to capture your vacation photos in a pretty epic way. And traveling with them won’t be too bad either.

With the service, you get to completely customize how much, where, when and what your companion photographer captures.
---- Forbes
Your unique experience captured and transformed by expert cameramen, edited and produced for your memory sake as “dedicated feature“
Your unique experience captured and transformed by expert cameramen, edited and produced for your memory sake as “dedicated feature“
Your unique experience captured and transformed by expert cameramen, edited and produced for your memory sake as “dedicated feature“
Your unique experience captured and transformed by expert cameramen, edited and produced for your memory sake as “dedicated feature“
Your unique experience captured and transformed by expert cameramen, edited and produced for your memory sake as “dedicated feature“
Your unique experience captured and transformed by expert cameramen, edited and produced for your memory sake as “dedicated feature“