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Haute Couture in the world of desserts, customized to your emotions, personalities, experiences and memories. September café Haute Couture in the world of desserts, customized to your emotions, personalities, experiences and memories. September café

Haute Couture in the world of desserts, customized to your emotions, personalities, experiences and memories. September café

September is a café that inspires a high quality but relaxed way of life. We pride ourselves on the quality of the smallest ingredients, value the intensity of the ever-changing food culture, and have a beautiful reason for the simplest decision we make. Like a poem, our products contain our emotions, experiences, and memories. September will keep growing with our wondrous imagination

September café offer small classes for 4-6 students, and we also offer customised class packages

Source: September Co., Ltd.



建築背景出身的 Emily,在歐洲念研究所時受到異國飲食文…
建築背景出身的 Emily,在歐洲念研究所時受到異國飲食文化薰陶,慢慢累積對美食的獨到見解,也練就一身甜點的烘培功力。而後她與朋友成立 September Cafe,在這近十年間,September 成為許多女孩趨之若鶩的台北名店,擁有自家烘培坊,也開設蛋糕課程,皆是由 Emily 的興趣與長才構築而成。「因為我很愛吃,透過遊歷不同餐廳來累積經驗與品味,所以在我的店裡,東西好吃是基本,再來是創造讓大家都感覺賞心悅目的外表,讓客人的用餐體驗更加分。」
Haute Couture in the world of desserts, customized to your emotions, personalities, experiences and memories. September café
Haute Couture in the world of desserts, customized to your emotions, personalities, experiences and memories. September café
Haute Couture in the world of desserts, customized to your emotions, personalities, experiences and memories. September café
Haute Couture in the world of desserts, customized to your emotions, personalities, experiences and memories. September café
Haute Couture in the world of desserts, customized to your emotions, personalities, experiences and memories. September café
Haute Couture in the world of desserts, customized to your emotions, personalities, experiences and memories. September café
Haute Couture in the world of desserts, customized to your emotions, personalities, experiences and memories. September café
Haute Couture in the world of desserts, customized to your emotions, personalities, experiences and memories. September café