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‘Sylvania’, 愛馬仕與生物科技公司MycoWorks將品味與永續鞣製出時尚藝術的新未來 ‘Sylvania’, 愛馬仕與生物科技公司MycoWorks將品味與永續鞣製出時尚藝術的新未來

‘Sylvania’, 愛馬仕與生物科技公司MycoWorks將品味與永續鞣製出時尚藝術的新未來

Fine Mycelium was rooted in artistic practice and craftsmanship. The new material Sylvania represents how nature and biotechnology can work in concert to create a material with the highest standards of quality

After years of perfecting Reishi in collaboration with our brand partners and master leather craftspeople, MycoWorks launched Reishi Fine Mycelium at New York Fashion Week in February 2020. Our product brand debut was the culmination of years spent developing the Fine Mycelium process to achieve a material that meets the highest performance and quality standards in fashion and luxury

Source: MycoWorks



French luxury house Hermès ha…
French luxury house Hermès has partnered with biomaterials company MycoWorks to reimagine its Victoria shopper bag in a leather alternative grown from mycelium. The bag will be available from the end of this year and features amber-coloured panels made of mycelium – the thread-like filament structure of fungi.

It is the result of a shared vision for growing the future of materials and a quest to unlock new design possibilities.
---- de zeen
The collaboration between Her…
The collaboration between Hermès and MycoWorks marks the first object made with fine mycelium, and the development of a new material called ‘sylvania’ — produced in the MycoWorks facility. The interpretation of the ‘victoria’ bag has been tanned and finished in france by the Hermès tanners to further refine its strength and durability, before being shaped in the workshops by Hermès craftspeople. ‘
Philip Ross的藝術創作開創了一個新的領域——「菌…
Philip Ross的藝術創作開創了一個新的領域——「菌絲體構造mycotecture」,這是他在2008年提出的專業術語,用來描述菌絲體設計和建造的藝術。他的專利和出版物也為菌絲體材料科學領域的研究奠定了基礎。

Philip Ross的靈芝菌絲體作品在紐約現代藝術博物館(MOMA)、德國杜塞爾多夫美術館、莫斯科當代雙年等地陸續展出。

同時,他實踐藝術的過程,也打破了傳統生物材料公司的流程:後者一般是先著眼於某種分子結構的研究,再看能否用於某些領域;而身為藝術家的Philip Ross卻直接將菌絲體作為最終材料用於藝術作品中。
How it’s actually made is bot…
How it’s actually made is both extremely high-tech and down-to-earth. Founder Philip Ross started experimenting with living materials 20 years ago as an artist and chef, and eventually invented a particular method of manipulating mycelium cells to grow, weave together, and form specific shapes. A few years ago, he teamed up with the sustainable materials company MycoWorks and hired scientist Matt Scullin to transform his invention into a material the fashion industry could use.
2017年,Matthew L. Scullin作為首席執…
2017年,Matthew L. Scullin作為首席執行官加入Mycoworkds。Matthew是一名材料學科學家,他的到來為 Mycoworks帶來了寶貴的商業化經驗。首席執行官Matthew強調,與市面上其它「蘑菇皮革」相比,MycoWorks的Fine Mycelium™專利工藝提供了更好的強度和耐用性。「儘管時尚奢侈品行業受到可持續風潮的推動,開始尋求改變供應鏈,但歸根結底,新技術必須性能和表現足夠好,否則就不會被採用。這也是Fine Mycelium™的差異化所在。」

菌絲織物的生產不需要使用有毒化學物質和化肥等,僅需極少量水。據世界野生動物組織(World Wildlife Organization)數據顯示,一件普通的棉質T卹生產需要713加侖水,而生產一件T卹3倍大小的菌絲材質連衣裙僅需3加侖水。
‘Sylvania’, 愛馬仕與生物科技公司MycoWorks將品味與永續鞣製出時尚藝術的新未來
‘Sylvania’, 愛馬仕與生物科技公司MycoWorks將品味與永續鞣製出時尚藝術的新未來
‘Sylvania’, 愛馬仕與生物科技公司MycoWorks將品味與永續鞣製出時尚藝術的新未來
‘Sylvania’, 愛馬仕與生物科技公司MycoWorks將品味與永續鞣製出時尚藝術的新未來
‘Sylvania’, 愛馬仕與生物科技公司MycoWorks將品味與永續鞣製出時尚藝術的新未來
‘Sylvania’, 愛馬仕與生物科技公司MycoWorks將品味與永續鞣製出時尚藝術的新未來
‘Sylvania’, 愛馬仕與生物科技公司MycoWorks將品味與永續鞣製出時尚藝術的新未來
‘Sylvania’, 愛馬仕與生物科技公司MycoWorks將品味與永續鞣製出時尚藝術的新未來
‘Sylvania’, 愛馬仕與生物科技公司MycoWorks將品味與永續鞣製出時尚藝術的新未來