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Like eagle’s perspective sleeping in condor’s nest, luxury capsule hanging from top of mountain in Sacred Valley of Peru Like eagle’s perspective sleeping in condor’s nest, luxury capsule hanging from top of mountain in Sacred Valley of Peru

Like eagle’s perspective sleeping in condor’s nest, luxury capsule hanging from top of mountain in Sacred Valley of Peru

Have you ever wanted to look down on the world with the perspective of an eagle? Or have you ever wanted to sleep in a condor’s nest? Here is the next best thing! A transparent luxury capsule that hangs from the top of a mountain in the Sacred Valley of Peru

Like a space shuttle floating in the air, enjoy the view of the Sacred Valley and the starry sky in the valley of Machu Picchu. A unique experience that puts guests back in touch with nature or makes them realize what true luxury is

Source: Airbnb



Located in the Sacred Valley …
Located in the Sacred Valley of Cuzco, Peru, the exclusive Skylodge Adventure Suites offers you the chance to sleep within a completely transparent hanging bedroom, that allows you to appreciate the impressive view of this magic and mystic valley.

To sleep at Skylodge, people must climb 400 mt. of Via Ferrata or hike an intrepid trail through ziplines. One night at this place will make your dreams come true.
Guests are also provided with…
Guests are also provided with breakfast and dinner complete with wine because, as you can imagine, dining options are rather sparse on the edge of a cliff! This food is made fresh and literally brought up to guests by a seasoned climber!

Whether you’re an avid climber or have no knowledge of traversing mountains at all, you can live on the edge by staying a night at the Skylodge.
These aluminium and polycarbo…
These aluminium and polycarbonate pods that cling to a granite slope above the Urubamba Valley are totally unique. With the night sky twinkling overhead as you sleep, you feel more like you're staying in a spaceship than a hotel.
To sleep at Skylodge, you muc…
To sleep at Skylodge, you much first either climb a 1,312 feet to the top of Via Ferrata, or hike an intrepid trail through ziplines. These vertically hanging transparent capsule suites are situated at the top of the mountain and offer 300 degree views of the Sacred Valley. Hand crafted out of aerospace aluminum and weather resistant polycarbonate, each suite comes complete with four beds, a dinning area and a private bathroom.
Like eagle’s perspective sleeping in condor’s nest, luxury capsule hanging from top of mountain in Sacred Valley of Peru
Like eagle’s perspective sleeping in condor’s nest, luxury capsule hanging from top of mountain in Sacred Valley of Peru
Like eagle’s perspective sleeping in condor’s nest, luxury capsule hanging from top of mountain in Sacred Valley of Peru
Like eagle’s perspective sleeping in condor’s nest, luxury capsule hanging from top of mountain in Sacred Valley of Peru
Like eagle’s perspective sleeping in condor’s nest, luxury capsule hanging from top of mountain in Sacred Valley of Peru
Like eagle’s perspective sleeping in condor’s nest, luxury capsule hanging from top of mountain in Sacred Valley of Peru
Like eagle’s perspective sleeping in condor’s nest, luxury capsule hanging from top of mountain in Sacred Valley of Peru
Like eagle’s perspective sleeping in condor’s nest, luxury capsule hanging from top of mountain in Sacred Valley of Peru
Like eagle’s perspective sleeping in condor’s nest, luxury capsule hanging from top of mountain in Sacred Valley of Peru
Like eagle’s perspective sleeping in condor’s nest, luxury capsule hanging from top of mountain in Sacred Valley of Peru
Like eagle’s perspective sleeping in condor’s nest, luxury capsule hanging from top of mountain in Sacred Valley of Peru
Like eagle’s perspective sleeping in condor’s nest, luxury capsule hanging from top of mountain in Sacred Valley of Peru
Like eagle’s perspective sleeping in condor’s nest, luxury capsule hanging from top of mountain in Sacred Valley of Peru