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Alexa Meade 顛覆存在的維度 Dimensions of Being - Disruptive Art Alexa Meade 顛覆存在的維度 Dimensions of Being - Disruptive Art

Alexa Meade 顛覆存在的維度 Dimensions of Being - Disruptive Art

Alexa Meade曾榮獲翠貝卡電影節頒發的“顛覆性創新獎”,並且是谷歌和圓周理論物理研究所的常駐藝術家。Alexa揮灑畫筆打破維度,在三度空間施展的視界魔法。以畫筆與油彩悠遊於人體與三度空間之間,營造出彷若生活於2D平面世界的錯覺、顛覆你我的視界!

Source: Alexa Meade



Collaborated with two movemen…
Collaborated with two movement artists on a short film that acts in powerful protest to gun violence. ‘Color of Reality’ project stars a body-painted Jon Boogz and fellow dancer Lil Buck as they take in news of racial, political, and socioeconomic tension on TV before endeavoring outside to effect a positive change. Meade’s hand-painted body art exaggerates the artists’ movements as they maneuver across the screen, forming a surreal scene as a seemingly flat painting suddenly springs into life.
While the artist may have lef…
While the artist may have left her blossoming political career behind years ago, her 2016 short film, “Color of Reality,” won CNN’s Great Big Story Art as Impact Award for its striking statement against gun violence.

It’s pretty interesting to think that I used to want to do politics because I want to affect social change, and now I’m able to see that you don’t have to professionally do politics to affect change,” says Meade. “You can be an artist. You can use your voice in whatever field you are in.
‘Spending my formative years …
‘Spending my formative years immersed in the world of politicians and PR led to a fascination with the possibilities of repackaging source texts and adding superficial modifications that would profoundly alter perception,’ says alexa meade. ‘what the audience ultimately unpackaged was a personal interpretation of an already mediated re-presentation. […] by using paint as a mask that mimics the surface attributes of my source materials, I repurpose the common codes of painting.’
Living paintings, breathing p…
Living paintings, breathing portraits, life on a canvas — describing Alexa Meade’s art is an art in itself. Her subject is the painting in the true essence. In her art, 2D and 3D become one, leaving you wondering what is real and what is paint.
---- Medium
Some of the most gorgeous ima…
Some of the most gorgeous imagery in Ariana Grande's "God Is a Woman" video exists in scenes in which the pop star floats in a swirling pool of pink, blue, and purple paint, wearing nothing but a few strokes of those same paint colors.
---- allure
當初之所以選擇以人體當作畫布,其實是個美麗的意外,Alexa Meade原先只是因為著迷於沒有光的世界、熱愛觀察影子,所以想利用畫影子的方式來呈現藝術品的光線與平面度。在某次創作中,她找來好友Bernie做實驗,大膽地將顏料塗抹在其身上,沒想到竟得到出乎意料的結果,「我把朋友變成了一幅畫,在剛開始畫陰影時從未預料到會變成這樣!我彷彿將其他空間維度也一併拉出來, 然後折疊起來繪畫上色,就像是將他送入一幅畫裡」她說。
---- LaVie
Alexa Meade 顛覆存在的維度 Dimensions of Being - Disruptive Art
Alexa Meade 顛覆存在的維度 Dimensions of Being - Disruptive Art
Alexa Meade 顛覆存在的維度 Dimensions of Being - Disruptive Art
Alexa Meade 顛覆存在的維度 Dimensions of Being - Disruptive Art
Alexa Meade 顛覆存在的維度 Dimensions of Being - Disruptive Art
Alexa Meade 顛覆存在的維度 Dimensions of Being - Disruptive Art
Alexa Meade 顛覆存在的維度 Dimensions of Being - Disruptive Art
Alexa Meade 顛覆存在的維度 Dimensions of Being - Disruptive Art
Alexa Meade 顛覆存在的維度 Dimensions of Being - Disruptive Art
Alexa Meade 顛覆存在的維度 Dimensions of Being - Disruptive Art
Alexa Meade 顛覆存在的維度 Dimensions of Being - Disruptive Art
Alexa Meade 顛覆存在的維度 Dimensions of Being - Disruptive Art
Alexa Meade 顛覆存在的維度 Dimensions of Being - Disruptive Art
Alexa Meade 顛覆存在的維度 Dimensions of Being - Disruptive Art