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Spy Camp:  Top secret briefing, mastering evasion techniques, crafting perfect disguise, or decoding secret intel Spy Camp:  Top secret briefing, mastering evasion techniques, crafting perfect disguise, or decoding secret intel

Spy Camp: Top secret briefing, mastering evasion techniques, crafting perfect disguise, or decoding secret intel

From the moment recruits receive their super-secret spy kit they will hit the ground running an "Eyes Only" mission so classified that we can’t put it in print. Each day will be filled with top secret briefing and activities that put spy skills to the test. Real former spies will “beam” in from all over the world to help recruits hone their tradecraft. From mastering escape and evasion techniques, to crafting the perfect disguise, building a gadget on the fly or decoding secret intel, Virtual Spy Camp has activities that will appeal to all types of recruits. Each day of camp will take recruits beyond their screens and out into the shadow world of espionage, where “all is not what it seems.”

Source: The International Spy Museum®



Headed up by former directors…
Headed up by former directors of the NSA CIA and KGB, this museum claims to have the largest collection of international espionage artifacts ever placed on public display. The mission is to educate on the craft, history and general practice of espionage. The museum’s collection of real-life spy tools such as the lipstick pistol, buttonhole cameras, cleverly disguised communication devices and an original letter from President George Washington in 1777 requesting a spy network be created!
What makes the Spy Museum’s V…
What makes the Spy Museum’s Virtual Spy Camp stand apart?

We have experience! Our team has taught award-winning virtual workshops for over 8 years, we’ve run onsite camp for 12 years and offered KidSpy workshops for over 18 years – Virtual Spy Camp is the “greatest hits” of everything we’ve offered led by educators who can engage kids through a virtual format.
Spy Camp:  Top secret briefing, mastering evasion techniques, crafting perfect disguise, or decoding secret intel
Spy Camp:  Top secret briefing, mastering evasion techniques, crafting perfect disguise, or decoding secret intel
Spy Camp:  Top secret briefing, mastering evasion techniques, crafting perfect disguise, or decoding secret intel
Spy Camp:  Top secret briefing, mastering evasion techniques, crafting perfect disguise, or decoding secret intel
Spy Camp:  Top secret briefing, mastering evasion techniques, crafting perfect disguise, or decoding secret intel
Spy Camp:  Top secret briefing, mastering evasion techniques, crafting perfect disguise, or decoding secret intel
Spy Camp:  Top secret briefing, mastering evasion techniques, crafting perfect disguise, or decoding secret intel