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Private space for family and kids, sharing more than food, music and laughter, where lasting connections are made Private space for family and kids, sharing more than food, music and laughter, where lasting connections are made

Private space for family and kids, sharing more than food, music and laughter, where lasting connections are made

好森 Awesome! 取自台語諧音[hó sńg 好玩],相約來到好森,做些好玩的事情,就是Awesome的一天

因孩子而催生,與人連結,有著無限可能的私廚空間,提供Music Together親子律動、料理教室、預約私廚、空間包場服務,不定時配合節慶規劃給孩子豐富多樣的體驗課程,需預約前往

Source: 好森 Awesome!




Jason 居住在台北時,週末就常常邀請朋友到自家作客,親…
Jason 居住在台北時,週末就常常邀請朋友到自家作客,親自下廚招待,愉悅的用餐氣氛與好友們開心的笑容就是催生出好森的起點。60坪的寬敞空間,一次只招待一組客人,與其說是到餐廳用餐,更像到好朋友家聚會。
料理區旁特別隔出一間獨立兒童遊戲室,大人享受美食或專心學習料理的時刻,孩子們也能找到自己 Awesome Day! 無菜單料理呼應了「好玩」的精神,預約時簡單溝通對食材與味道的偏好,接著就能期待與好森相遇的驚喜。
Private space for family and kids, sharing more than food, music and laughter, where lasting connections are made
Private space for family and kids, sharing more than food, music and laughter, where lasting connections are made
Private space for family and kids, sharing more than food, music and laughter, where lasting connections are made
Private space for family and kids, sharing more than food, music and laughter, where lasting connections are made
Private space for family and kids, sharing more than food, music and laughter, where lasting connections are made
Private space for family and kids, sharing more than food, music and laughter, where lasting connections are made
Private space for family and kids, sharing more than food, music and laughter, where lasting connections are made
Private space for family and kids, sharing more than food, music and laughter, where lasting connections are made
Private space for family and kids, sharing more than food, music and laughter, where lasting connections are made
Private space for family and kids, sharing more than food, music and laughter, where lasting connections are made
Private space for family and kids, sharing more than food, music and laughter, where lasting connections are made
Private space for family and kids, sharing more than food, music and laughter, where lasting connections are made
Private space for family and kids, sharing more than food, music and laughter, where lasting connections are made
Private space for family and kids, sharing more than food, music and laughter, where lasting connections are made
Private space for family and kids, sharing more than food, music and laughter, where lasting connections are made
Private space for family and kids, sharing more than food, music and laughter, where lasting connections are made
Private space for family and kids, sharing more than food, music and laughter, where lasting connections are made