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Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, breakthrough masterpiece showcasing contemporary aesthetics combined with dynamic landscape of VIP golf course Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, breakthrough masterpiece showcasing contemporary aesthetics combined with dynamic landscape of VIP golf course

Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, breakthrough masterpiece showcasing contemporary aesthetics combined with dynamic landscape of VIP golf course

台豐高爾夫俱樂部增建兩座由普立茲克建築獎得主葡萄牙籍大師Álvaro Siza及其夥伴建築師Carlos Castanheira所設計的全新會所建築,依地勢將環境分飾出的建築量體,是Siza長年貫徹的建築語意,與人文結合並融入景觀,自建築、家具、 燈飾及五金,由外到內都可見其對美學的堅持,也實踐於會館的每個角落



Source: 台豐高爾夫俱樂部



Álvaro Siza, one of the world…
Álvaro Siza, one of the world's most decorated architects, Siza is a cult figure on the architecture circuit whose work has been described as "poetic modernism". The jury citation for his 1992 Pritzker Prize states that "Like the early Modernists, his shapes, molded by light, have a deceptive simplicity about them; they are honest."

Born in 1933, Siza has also won the RIBA Gold Medal, the AIA Gold Medal and the Golden Lion for lifetime achievement, among other prizes.
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Unlike many high-profile arch…
Unlike many high-profile architects, Siza has famously always kept his team small to ensure he has creative control over every project in his office. He doesn't have a website and still favours drawings boards over computer-aided design.

But he also insists that emotion is one of the most important tools in architecture. "You have to feel what you are doing, and not be so rational that you just solve the problems, because emotion is very important. Without it, something is missing," he said.
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Álvaro Siza在建築界可謂為神話般的人物。因其對線…
Álvaro Siza在建築界可謂為神話般的人物。因其對線條角度的精準要求、空間開口的光影掌握、以及地景人文的深度觀察,Siza大師的設計能夠與基地形成和諧對話,呈現著優雅的平衡,多一分則太多,少一分則太少,乾淨俐落,卻耐人尋味。他的作品也被形容為「詩意的現代建築」,在世界各地皆可尋見芳蹤。

2016年,台豐高爾夫球場內的西薩會所(Siza Hous…
2016年,台豐高爾夫球場內的西薩會所(Siza House)率先啟用,而今年10月嘉卿會所(Chia Ching House)也落成啟用,宣告這個沈潛十年的建築大業正式完成。在西薩的全盤規劃下,西薩會所與嘉卿會所如同蟄伏於翠綠果嶺的清水混凝土建築,有機地錯落在高低起伏的地形之中,被球場悉心環繞,西薩以標誌性的現代建築風格替場館帶來純粹、俐落的極簡配置,並且運用空間量體的虛實安排融入地貌、引入陽光與視線。在擋土牆、階梯、平台、坡道、草皮與水面信手捻來的佈局之中,巧妙地回應並最大化台豐高爾夫球場得天獨厚的豐富地貌,同時用最鉅細彌遺的設計來滿足場館的國際運動賽事需求,與尊榮會員的休閒娛樂功能。
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Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, breakthrough masterpiece showcasing contemporary aesthetics combined with dynamic landscape of VIP golf course
Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, breakthrough masterpiece showcasing contemporary aesthetics combined with dynamic landscape of VIP golf course
Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, breakthrough masterpiece showcasing contemporary aesthetics combined with dynamic landscape of VIP golf course
Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, breakthrough masterpiece showcasing contemporary aesthetics combined with dynamic landscape of VIP golf course
Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, breakthrough masterpiece showcasing contemporary aesthetics combined with dynamic landscape of VIP golf course
Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, breakthrough masterpiece showcasing contemporary aesthetics combined with dynamic landscape of VIP golf course
Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, breakthrough masterpiece showcasing contemporary aesthetics combined with dynamic landscape of VIP golf course
Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, breakthrough masterpiece showcasing contemporary aesthetics combined with dynamic landscape of VIP golf course
Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, breakthrough masterpiece showcasing contemporary aesthetics combined with dynamic landscape of VIP golf course
Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, breakthrough masterpiece showcasing contemporary aesthetics combined with dynamic landscape of VIP golf course
Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, breakthrough masterpiece showcasing contemporary aesthetics combined with dynamic landscape of VIP golf course
Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, breakthrough masterpiece showcasing contemporary aesthetics combined with dynamic landscape of VIP golf course
Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, breakthrough masterpiece showcasing contemporary aesthetics combined with dynamic landscape of VIP golf course
Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, breakthrough masterpiece showcasing contemporary aesthetics combined with dynamic landscape of VIP golf course
Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, breakthrough masterpiece showcasing contemporary aesthetics combined with dynamic landscape of VIP golf course
Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, breakthrough masterpiece showcasing contemporary aesthetics combined with dynamic landscape of VIP golf course
Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, breakthrough masterpiece showcasing contemporary aesthetics combined with dynamic landscape of VIP golf course
Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, breakthrough masterpiece showcasing contemporary aesthetics combined with dynamic landscape of VIP golf course
Alvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira, breakthrough masterpiece showcasing contemporary aesthetics combined with dynamic landscape of VIP golf course