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Lines of human form and contours of our landscape, effuse soulfulness of our existence, and the poetry and spirit of our origin.  Bodyisland Lines of human form and contours of our landscape, effuse soulfulness of our existence, and the poetry and spirit of our origin.  Bodyisland

Lines of human form and contours of our landscape, effuse soulfulness of our existence, and the poetry and spirit of our origin. Bodyisland



Source: 身體山島 Bodyisland



藝術家曾岩懌於 2018 年創立「身體山島」,因深受日本具…
藝術家曾岩懌於 2018 年創立「身體山島」,因深受日本具有靈魂感人像吸引,致力於人物像的創作與研究。在曾岩懌的創作中,人物並非刁鑽寫實,而是帶著魔幻有神,那些或是迎著風,或是張著笑容的人物,彷彿瞬間被停滯了時間,而就在上一刻的他們都真切地活著。有機且獨一無二的線條,宛若一座千變萬化且具有靈性的山島,有山河的刻鑿,有生物的靈魂聚集,有大地的滋養而欣欣向榮。


來自 無恙 的主題,烏鴉也是我喜歡…

來自 無恙 的主題,烏鴉也是我喜歡的鳥類之一,在日本神話裡,有著「八咫鳥」的稱呼,是人間與妖界的守護者,象徵著智慧、仁義與勇氣,現實中,牠也是非常聰明,且很有靈性的動物。




Lines of human form and contours of our landscape, effuse soulfulness of our existence, and the poetry and spirit of our origin.  Bodyisland
Lines of human form and contours of our landscape, effuse soulfulness of our existence, and the poetry and spirit of our origin.  Bodyisland
Lines of human form and contours of our landscape, effuse soulfulness of our existence, and the poetry and spirit of our origin.  Bodyisland
Lines of human form and contours of our landscape, effuse soulfulness of our existence, and the poetry and spirit of our origin.  Bodyisland
Lines of human form and contours of our landscape, effuse soulfulness of our existence, and the poetry and spirit of our origin.  Bodyisland
Lines of human form and contours of our landscape, effuse soulfulness of our existence, and the poetry and spirit of our origin.  Bodyisland
Lines of human form and contours of our landscape, effuse soulfulness of our existence, and the poetry and spirit of our origin.  Bodyisland
Lines of human form and contours of our landscape, effuse soulfulness of our existence, and the poetry and spirit of our origin.  Bodyisland
Lines of human form and contours of our landscape, effuse soulfulness of our existence, and the poetry and spirit of our origin.  Bodyisland
Lines of human form and contours of our landscape, effuse soulfulness of our existence, and the poetry and spirit of our origin.  Bodyisland
Lines of human form and contours of our landscape, effuse soulfulness of our existence, and the poetry and spirit of our origin.  Bodyisland
Lines of human form and contours of our landscape, effuse soulfulness of our existence, and the poetry and spirit of our origin.  Bodyisland
Lines of human form and contours of our landscape, effuse soulfulness of our existence, and the poetry and spirit of our origin.  Bodyisland