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Experience the ocean, navigation, judgement, and team work learning with your kids.  Taipei Sailing Club, summer camp Experience the ocean, navigation, judgement, and team work learning with your kids.  Taipei Sailing Club, summer camp

Experience the ocean, navigation, judgement, and team work learning with your kids. Taipei Sailing Club, summer camp

帆船航行是一趟冒險,操縱著舵與帆,感受著大自然所帶給帆船的影響及力量;它也是一種學習,空氣動力學、流體力學、天文、地理、潮汐、機械、物理等知識 …,生長在四面環海的台灣,試著想跟這片美麗、湛藍的海域親近一點

讓孩子參與航海活動,學習全艦飾船舶禮儀、了解船舶的樣貌與設備、RYA Activity Book旗幟遊戲、認識繩結與海圖,以及安全意識與安全裝備的使用。操作帆船讓孩子有成就感,它甚至教會孩子們去解讀、分析不同狀況,培養出解決問題的能力,進而建立自信心及意想不到的收穫

Source: Taipei Sailing Club



“When youngsters start making…
“When youngsters start making connections between sailing and their real lives in gaining independence, building confidence, then these traits develop, start to transfer more naturally and instinctively, and become embedded in a person’s character. There has a significant role to play in shaping young people’s life chances.” explains Professor Bill Lucas, who has worked with the RYA in developing their OnBoard programme.
Sailing is a great alternativ…
Sailing is a great alternative to the digital world children live in today. When children have to rig their boats and make sure they have everything they need to be on the water, it teaches them organizational skills and responsibility. Helping peers to get ready and launching the boats into the water together teaches care and team spirit. Having to look after and take care of their boat teaches them discipline and self-responsibility. Fighting the ever-changing sea and wind teaches them love for nature.
RYA 全名為Royal Yachting Associa…
RYA 全名為Royal Yachting Association,1875年成立於英國,原先成立目的為統一各帆船比賽的比賽準則,讓不同等級的賽船可以相互公平競爭。現今致力於提倡安全、成功並受讚譽的英國帆船運動。 RYA的訓練系統超過130年歷史,提供Dinghy Sailing、Windsurfing、Yachting、Motor Crusing、Powerboating等超過100項課程,提供最新並強調安全的完整訓練
Experience the ocean, navigation, judgement, and team work learning with your kids.  Taipei Sailing Club, summer camp
Experience the ocean, navigation, judgement, and team work learning with your kids.  Taipei Sailing Club, summer camp
Experience the ocean, navigation, judgement, and team work learning with your kids.  Taipei Sailing Club, summer camp
Experience the ocean, navigation, judgement, and team work learning with your kids.  Taipei Sailing Club, summer camp