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Create a circuit between the device and human body or the fruit, to explore environments through interactive musical experiences Create a circuit between the device and human body or the fruit, to explore environments through interactive musical experiences

Create a circuit between the device and human body or the fruit, to explore environments through interactive musical experiences

Playtronica is a platform that bridges entertainment, education, and art through interactive musical experiences. It is an open-source toolkit for creating sensory interactions using cutting-edge technology

Imagine that all objects are alive and able to communicate through sound. That's a reality we're putting into practice in our Playtronica workshops

Our aim is to fuse together entertainment, education, and art; inspiring curious minds to create and explore their environments through interactive musical experiences. We believe everyone can be creative – so our workshops can be designed to suit any age, background, budget, or set up

Our shop is located in Russia, this is where all our devices are produced and shipped from. For workshops and live presentations contact our studios in Berlin and Paris

Source: Playtronica



Creative technology studio pl…
Creative technology studio playtronica has found a way of making music with pretty much anything including vegetables. their electronic devices transform touch into midi notes making anything into a midi controller including one that turns the human body into a keyboard.

Playtron is designed to work with up to 16 objects using cables and crocodile clips, meanwhile touchme can be used to make music with the human body.
Playtronica was created in 20…
Playtronica was created in 2014 by theatre producer sasha pas, with the goal to broaden musical education by building instruments from everyday life. it has collaborated with brands like hermes, issey miyake, IKEA and nike, as well as museums like centre pompidou and the palais de tokio.

‘I see the future of technology as an extension of human possibilities, amplification of the senses and process of design for new sensory modalities. it will be fun!’,explains pas.
The ambition is now to explor…
The ambition is now to explore how touch can change society, from small things like daily communication, to big ones like borders.

Touch me is a very powerful device that, on a small scale, can explore reality. Not with numbers, but just by touching and playing. We are now working on a sensory room in Moscow. In museums, people are overloaded by visuals. This space will be a room to switch to other senses in a pure and abstract way. We can train senses, just as we exercise at the gym.
Sasha Pas, musician & founder…
Sasha Pas, musician & founder of Playtronica, Sasha Pas seems to owe a lot to his humanities background. After studying sociology, he worked 10 years in theaters as a creative producer. With the company Le Cirque de Charles La Tannes, he worked on site-specific immersive shows and managed creative collaborations. Famous for the show Cops on fire, they were the first to play hip hop on a theater stage in Russia, adding loud music and bad language to the mix, experimenting beyond mainstream codes.
Create a circuit between the device and human body or the fruit, to explore environments through interactive musical experiences
Create a circuit between the device and human body or the fruit, to explore environments through interactive musical experiences
Create a circuit between the device and human body or the fruit, to explore environments through interactive musical experiences
Create a circuit between the device and human body or the fruit, to explore environments through interactive musical experiences
Create a circuit between the device and human body or the fruit, to explore environments through interactive musical experiences
Create a circuit between the device and human body or the fruit, to explore environments through interactive musical experiences
Create a circuit between the device and human body or the fruit, to explore environments through interactive musical experiences
Create a circuit between the device and human body or the fruit, to explore environments through interactive musical experiences
Create a circuit between the device and human body or the fruit, to explore environments through interactive musical experiences