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Co-existence with the forest and natural life, practice patience through art of ceramics and pottery.  Cloud Forest Collective Co-existence with the forest and natural life, practice patience through art of ceramics and pottery.  Cloud Forest Collective

Co-existence with the forest and natural life, practice patience through art of ceramics and pottery. Cloud Forest Collective

This summer we invited HOHO Lab to participate in the course design with us, there will be different contents specifically design for 2 different age range. The courses will be divided into three parts, the ceramic classes by Cloud Forest, the hiking experience in Yangmingshan by A-Xian , and the physical exploration and painting courses by the HOHO Lab; we hope that each individual will cultivate patience through the ceramic course, learn to respect different species in nature through the hiking experience, learn to perceive themselves and stimulate creativity through physical exploration and painting courses. Let the children learn in joy and complete all the tasks with team members. Discover their imagination, creativity, and potential. And finally, to have the most unforgettable summer vacation in Cloud Forest

Source: 雲森陶陶 Cloud Forest



雲森陶陶創辦人David Pipkin本業是建築師,大學初…
雲森陶陶創辦人David Pipkin本業是建築師,大學初次接觸陶藝,從此像是著了陶的癮,從事陶藝創作超過 35 年。1988 年落腳台灣後,持續尋找合意的陶藝工坊,直到前幾年在眾人協助下,創辦了雲森陶陶,實踐自己心中,那間氣氛自由、強調「分享精神」的陶藝工作室。這裡提供初學到進階、中英雙語的陶藝課程,也開辦藝術家駐村計畫。特別的是,雲森陶陶不以學校自居,而是一個關係緊密的創作者聚落,在授課時間之外,人人都能進行自主練習,在沒有指令的空間裡,深刻感受與陶的連結,同學、老師和駐村藝術家間,都保持著大方分享知識、技法的默契。
「這裡雖然看不見山,但你確實能感受到山的存在。」踏入雲森所在的老屋,白色牆面前的架子被各形各色的陶作佔據,大片通透的落地窗一邊是整排手拉胚的座位,另一邊將庭園老樹、姑婆芋的綠意拉進室內,「走進來的人們,都能感受到壓力的解除,不僅身心獲得自由,更在創作過程中重新注入能量。」在老樹的樹蔭之下,雲森陶陶工作室 6 個拉胚機面向庭院,喜歡手捏陶的話,可以坐在工作檯進行創作。「比起都市,山給予人緩慢的節奏,而做陶正需要慢下來、保持專注,像是一場流動的冥想練習。山的緩慢讓人從壓力與噪音中抽離,在山林的懷抱裡靜靜做陶。」David 的女兒,同樣是藝術家的 Peri Lee 這麼形容。
Co-existence with the forest and natural life, practice patience through art of ceramics and pottery.  Cloud Forest Collective
Co-existence with the forest and natural life, practice patience through art of ceramics and pottery.  Cloud Forest Collective
Co-existence with the forest and natural life, practice patience through art of ceramics and pottery.  Cloud Forest Collective
Co-existence with the forest and natural life, practice patience through art of ceramics and pottery.  Cloud Forest Collective
Co-existence with the forest and natural life, practice patience through art of ceramics and pottery.  Cloud Forest Collective
Co-existence with the forest and natural life, practice patience through art of ceramics and pottery.  Cloud Forest Collective