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Manage fear of failure, strength and balance result Manage fear of failure, strength and balance result

Manage fear of failure, strength and balance result



Source: FlowLab 跑酷實驗室



Confidence, problem-solving, …
Confidence, problem-solving, and spatial skills. As kids navigate through parkour challenges, they have to think: How can I get from point A to point B safely? How should I move my arms/legs/hands/feet? How could I use that tree limb, rope, or ladder to overcome this hurdle? What would make it more fun? Would this be better if I had a friend helping me? And then, once they’ve mastered the challenge, they realize: I did it! I figured it out!
They key to training children…
They key to training children in parkour is to motivate them through games. Keep them involved, keep it fun, keep them moving. Games give them a chance to learn those skills in a fun way without even realizing they were doing it to begin with. A positive mindset is essential even in the littlest traceurs in building that confidence they need to do parkour. It’s easier with the older ones, as once they’ve learned the basic moves they have fun finally putting those skills to use.
1902年的一場火山爆發,在加勒比島上的聖皮埃爾鎮造成大約28,000人死亡。當時一位法國海軍中尉George Hebert勇敢地投入了疏散工作。這次的災難摧毀了許多城市建設,Hebert注意到,當地原住民比起歐洲人,更能夠克服種種道路上的障礙。他推測,現代人多數已經失去即時應對環境變化的能力。這個想法促使他進一步去觀察原住民的身體發育以及他們如何使用各種運動技能,以此制定了自然訓練法(The Natural Method)。這套訓練法的目標在於,透過訓練身體去配合環境,並提高運動能力,其中技能十分多樣,包括攀爬、跑步、游泳和人造障礙的課程,跑酷者會透過不斷重複來戰勝身體的弱點和精神恐懼。很快的,自然訓練法成為法國軍事訓練的基礎,並進一步為法國特種部隊的發展與改良。多年後,退伍軍人Raymond Belle 將這套方法交給他的孩子David Belle和他的朋友,在這群年輕人的改編下,創造了現在的跑酷。
Manage fear of failure, strength and balance result
Manage fear of failure, strength and balance result
Manage fear of failure, strength and balance result
Manage fear of failure, strength and balance result
Manage fear of failure, strength and balance result