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Profound, complex, coherent, and involuntary.  Salvador Dali Profound, complex, coherent, and involuntary.  Salvador Dali

Profound, complex, coherent, and involuntary. Salvador Dali

西班牙超現實主義大師薩爾瓦多・達利(Salvador Dalí,1904-1989)是20世紀最具代表的畫家之一,其作品描繪夢境、幻想、潛意識及對荒誕生命見解。本次展覽匯聚達利代表作品,包含風景及人物畫作、舞台劇布景、哲學議題想像、為致敬文藝復興時期畫家的創作、靈感的謬思女神-卡拉描繪等;本次最受矚目作品為達利研究十餘年的但丁《神曲》篇章創作,共計100幅,是達利對但丁「天堂」、「地獄」、「煉獄」三大詩集的詮釋

本次展覽共有 5 大展區,匯聚了這位超現實主義大師各時期的代表作品:包括 1920 年的風景及人物畫作、1940 年時套用「偏執狂-批評法」設計的舞台劇布景,1960 年到 1980 年間,達利因迷戀物理量子力學與哲學議題而進行想像與創作,以及為致敬文藝復興時期畫家將經典作品重現,另外也針對靈感的謬思——妻子卡拉的描繪等

Source: 「瘋癲 ‧ 夢境 ‧ 神曲-天才達利展」



除了畫作外,達利在 1939-1944 年間曾對芭蕾舞劇有…
除了畫作外,達利在 1939-1944 年間曾對芭蕾舞劇有著極高的興趣,其中最廣為人知的是 1944 年的《瘋子崔斯坦》(Mad Tristan)這齣芭蕾舞舞劇,從佈景到服裝設計都由達利一手包辦,靈感來自理查德・瓦格納所寫的「崔斯坦與伊索爾德」之劇,並於 1944 年 12 月首次公演。《瘋子崔斯坦》設計圖也將於此次展覽中亮相。
He developed his own visual l…
He developed his own visual language for depicting his own inner world, dreams, and hallucinations. “The fact that I myself, at the moment of painting, do not understand my own pictures, does not mean that these pictures have no meaning,” Dalí once said. “On the contrary, their meaning is so profound, complex, coherent, and involuntary that it escapes the more simple analysis of logical intuition.”
The Persistence of Memory is …
The Persistence of Memory is arguably Dalí’s most famous painting and one of the most iconic images of surrealism. It was painted in 1931, the height of the Surrealist movement. During this time, artists were exploring their subconscious and often depicted their own dreams. His artistic practice was guided by the strange “paranoiac-critical method.” Developed by himself, the technique involves invoking a paranoid state of mind to facilitate a work of art that captures deconstructed concepts of reality.
Profound, complex, coherent, and involuntary.  Salvador Dali
Profound, complex, coherent, and involuntary.  Salvador Dali
Profound, complex, coherent, and involuntary.  Salvador Dali
Profound, complex, coherent, and involuntary.  Salvador Dali