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Traversing between illusory and seeming daily realities, reasonable and irrational Traversing between illusory and seeming daily realities, reasonable and irrational

Traversing between illusory and seeming daily realities, reasonable and irrational

Leandro Erlich is an artist. His work play with images and motifs that are recognisable to our everyday lives and he uses their context as a stage for creating a fictional world that is obtained through psychological subversions of shared, public and familiar spaces. The visceral sensations of body-displacement and dislocation are a reminder that the perceptual world that surrounds us is far more fragile and temporary than we believe. Crucial to this suspension of disbelief is the viewer and the interaction of the spectator. Erlich manages to capture his audience through his child-like imagination that manages to affront themes and issues that are profoundly touching to contemporary man

Source: Leandro Erlich



Leandro Erlich is known for c…
Leandro Erlich is known for creating larger-than-life optical illusions in which participants often find themselves standing on their heads. Having come from a family of architects, much of his practice references the built environment, in which he transforms his sets with a single gesture that often sees even the most ordinary of places turned upside-down.
In the spaces of altered phys…
In the spaces of altered physical laws created by this artist the stairs lead neither up nor down, and movement is possible in any direction.

A work that evokes those hypnotic rotorelieves made almost a century ago by Marcel Duchamp in collaboration with Man Ray, for the experimental short Anémic Cinéma, and that takes up Erlich's interest in stairs. For his Liminal exhibition, also hosted at Malba last year, he installed another one on the esplanade that led to a window suspended in the void.
There’s a traffic jam on Miam…
There’s a traffic jam on Miami Beach. it's an effort to put conversations surrounding climate change front and center. The installation features 66 life-sized cars and trucks erected on the beach at Lincoln Road.

“The climate crisis has become an objective problem that requires immediate solutions,” Erlich says. “As an artist, I am in a constant struggle to make people aware of this reality, in particular, the idea that we cannot shrink away from our responsibilities to protect the planet.”
The Swimming Pool” in 2004 as…
The Swimming Pool” in 2004 as a permanent art installation that’s also an optical illusion and an experiential work at the same time. In a courtyard with a limestone deck frame, you’ll find a pool like no other. The exhibit allows viewers to look down and see people virtually underwater, separated by a 10cm layer of water over a transparent glass viewing pane, while those below are in a type of suspended reality with the play of light through the water that bounces off the aquamarine-colored walls.
Le Bon Marché has invited Lea…
Le Bon Marché has invited Leandro Erlich, who famed for employing optical illusions in his work, to create several installations, the most striking of which makes its famed escalator look as twisted as a pretzel.

He has paid homage to the City of Light’s changing skies by filling its windows with wispy cloudlike shapes. Surreal cloud formations will be projected on a giant screen erected under the store’s glass roof. Meanwhile, a bank of fake elevators promises to further scramble visitors’ perception.
“I am mainly interested in tr…
“I am mainly interested in transforming elements that you believe can’t be transformed, can’t be different. It’s about the utopia of presenting the possibility of transforming what exists into something else, and this action invites us to imagine reality in a different way,”
“When a work is well received…
“When a work is well received, it brings great satisfaction. It opens up opportunities for the future. In concrete terms, my projects are difficult to do,” Erlich told reporters.

“There is no single format,” he added. “I’ve done video, sculpture, photography and of course installations. The idea of conceptual art is now broad enough to include all forms of expression.”
Traversing between illusory and seeming daily realities, reasonable and irrational
Traversing between illusory and seeming daily realities, reasonable and irrational
Traversing between illusory and seeming daily realities, reasonable and irrational
Traversing between illusory and seeming daily realities, reasonable and irrational
Traversing between illusory and seeming daily realities, reasonable and irrational
Traversing between illusory and seeming daily realities, reasonable and irrational