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NASA online, events virtual, internships remote and new resources teach STEM at home NASA online, events virtual, internships remote and new resources teach STEM at home

NASA online, events virtual, internships remote and new resources teach STEM at home

NASA makes compelling contributions to federal education goals in building a strong foundation for STEM literacy, preparing the STEM workforce of the future and increasing diversity, equity and inclusion in STEM. In 2020, NASA engaged with students in new ways in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Programs moved online, events went virtual, internships were done remotely and new resources were created to help teachers, parents and caregivers teach STEM at home

Explore NASA Internships. NASA internships and fellowships leverage NASA’s unique missions and programs to enhance and increase the capability, diversity and size of the nation’s future science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workforce. Internships are available from high school to graduate level. Internships provide students with the opportunity to participate in either research or other experiential learning, under the guidance of a mentor at NASA

Source: NASA STEM Engagement



Three students will get the c…
Three students will get the chance to watch the first uncrewed Artemis mission launch to the moon after winning an essay contest about their visions for lunar exploration.

The selected essays came from nearly 14,000 entries received by NASA and Future Engineers (a platform for student challenges). United States students wrote about who they would include in a "pod" that would go to the planned landing location of the Artemis program at the south pole of the moon.
Get involved at NASA

Get involved at NASA

Explore Opportunities allows you, as a citizen scientist or engineer, to submit innovative ideas that could be used on future space exploration missions, or to participate in current missions. Example projects on the front page include making requests for the Juno spacecraft's JunoCam at Jupiter, creating a sensor for a possible Venus rover mission, and (if you're a student) participating in challenges related to NASA's Artemis moon program.
Explore NASA STEM gives home …
Explore NASA STEM gives home activities for students ranging from kindergarten to Grade 12th grade. There are pages tailored for students who would like to work on their own, and other pages for educators (and parents) who are looking for activities for kids, preteens and teenagers. The K- to 4 page for students, for example, has activities on airplanes, weather and climate, stars, Earth and the International Space Station.
NASA online, events virtual, internships remote and new resources teach STEM at home
NASA online, events virtual, internships remote and new resources teach STEM at home
NASA online, events virtual, internships remote and new resources teach STEM at home
NASA online, events virtual, internships remote and new resources teach STEM at home
NASA online, events virtual, internships remote and new resources teach STEM at home
NASA online, events virtual, internships remote and new resources teach STEM at home
NASA online, events virtual, internships remote and new resources teach STEM at home
NASA online, events virtual, internships remote and new resources teach STEM at home
NASA online, events virtual, internships remote and new resources teach STEM at home
NASA online, events virtual, internships remote and new resources teach STEM at home