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Modular, transformable, multifunctional water scooter Modular, transformable, multifunctional water scooter

Modular, transformable, multifunctional water scooter

LEFEET is an innovative technology company focused on researching and developing aquatic products. Two years ago, we launched LEFEET S1: a powerful & compact water scooter. In doing so we became the first brand in the world to develop and produce a modular underwater scooter. And now we are back with an even more powerful water scooter -- LEFEET C1

Featuring classic, kickboard & pool float mode, LEFEET C1 is a modular, transformable, multifunctional water scooter, which allows an entire family to enjoy aquatic activities without sacrificing its professional functions to explore the ocean. Wireless control with one-click simple pairing makes your control easier than ever! Whether you’re an experienced swimmer or a beginner, you can enjoy a superior water experience




Featuring dual 200W motors, L…
Featuring dual 200W motors, LEFEET C1 offers a powerful thrust underwater. Its compact and modular design bring excellent user experience, and the dual-motor is stable and easy to operate. LEFEET C1 has two speed gears that allow you to go as slow as 1.3m/s or as fast as 1.6m/s under water up to 30 meters. Choose the gear that fits your preferences the most in different environments.
The top of the propulsion dev…
The top of the propulsion device is equipped with a rail system, and different wireless control modules can be installed on it. C1 is not just a water scooter because you can turn it into a portable engine. It can be connected to a kickboard, a kayak, or any aquatic product for extra fun. Its upgraded design also prevents any splashing that might come from the water flow (extra points for that).
It would be foolish to say th…
It would be foolish to say that this is the end of all the features this gadget sees. One of the benefits you get when you decide to buy a C1 is the benefits of a GoPro mount. With it, you can add your own GoPro model, record it, and share it underwater experience with someone you like. This scooter is made of space grade material and will definitely be hit. The battery is also TSA compliant, and you are safe to fly with LEFEET C1's battery whether you are traveling to Tahiti or Greece.
Modular, transformable, multifunctional water scooter
Modular, transformable, multifunctional water scooter
Modular, transformable, multifunctional water scooter
Modular, transformable, multifunctional water scooter
Modular, transformable, multifunctional water scooter
Modular, transformable, multifunctional water scooter
Modular, transformable, multifunctional water scooter