"Staying in an art piece" in Japan, BnA Hotel
The Bed & Art Project (BnA) is an ambitious art hospitality project that aims to support Japanese artists while providing a unique and unforgettable experience of "staying in an art piece" in Japan. BnA Hotel is an experimental initiative to develop accommodation, not one BnA Hotel is the same, however, there is one thing universal across them all. Each room will be created by artists in collaboration with art directors and architects, and a portion of the accommodation fee will be returned to the artists. It is a place where creators from all over the world come to stay, and where the local artist community can mingle and build a global network
藝術飯店集團品牌「BnA HOTEL」繼東京高圓寺、秋葉原、京都河原町之後,2021年四月新開幕的BnA_WALL- Art Hotel位在東京日本橋,旅館利用曾經是一間織品貿易公司東京總部的建築改造,並與川村由紀等23組代表日本的新銳藝術家,共同創作26間住宿型的藝術作品,每間客房的風格都獨樹一幟,像是住進藝術品中。BnA HOTEL希望扶植增加當地藝術家的能見度與知名度,讓他們擁有穩定經費來源,持續投入藝術創作
Source: BnA_WALL