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Online virtual tour for 100th festival by Alessandro Michele , Gucci Garden Archetypes Online virtual tour for 100th festival by Alessandro Michele , Gucci Garden Archetypes

Online virtual tour for 100th festival by Alessandro Michele , Gucci Garden Archetypes

Gucci Garden Archetypes. A culmination of the House’s campaigns over the last six years, an exhibit at Gucci Garden in Florence revisits the world created by Alessandro Michele as an immersive, multi-sensory experience

To kick off the company’s centennial festivities, Michele released his Aria collection last month. Now comes Archetypes, an immersive, rather wondrous multimedia experience opening today at Gucci Garden in Florence, which recreates the sets of 15 of the most conceptually adventurous and visually impactful advertising campaigns envisioned by Michele in his six and a half years at the helm of the Italian label

Source: Gucci、VOGUE



The stairs leading to the exh…
The stairs leading to the exhibition are wallpapered with hand-painted graffiti reminiscent of Michele’s pre-fall 2018 collection, “Gucci Dans Les Rues,” which was intended as an homage to the Paris riots of May 1968. Moving up to a floor-to-ceiling glass-shelved room, represented via the fall 2018 “Gucci Collectors” campaign. A mind-spinning display features 1,400 cased butterflies, 110 period wigs on that would’ve made Marie Antoinette green with envy, 420 pairs of variously embellished sneakers...
The Gucci Garden Archetypes c…
The Gucci Garden Archetypes catalog will be an extension of this journey into Alessandro Michele’s imagination – a veritable inventory of the creativity on display, a collection of images and surprises, accompanied by previously unpublished texts by cultural figures such as art critic Achille Bonito Oliva, philosopher Emanuele Coccia, artist and researcher Anna Franceschini, curator Antwaun Sargent, and culture and sustainability expert Shaway Yeh.
In keeping with Gucci’s explo…
In keeping with Gucci’s exploration of digital territories, a virtual tour will also be available online to explore the exhibition. In keeping with the dialogue that merges physical and virtual environments, Gucci has once again partnered with international online platform Roblox, introducing a captivating shared experience of the Gucci Garden into their metaverse. It will open on May 17, for two weeks only.
這個於2011年在前任設計師Frida Giannini期…
這個於2011年在前任設計師Frida Giannini期間創立的Gucci博物館(Gucci Museo),在現任Alessandro Michele極富哲學思維的創作與想像力之下,使這棟1337年的建築內,蛻變成生氣勃勃、融會古今與生活型態的博物館。與策展人共同揮灑展覽故事。隨著樓梯而上,便是進入名為花園藝廊(Gucci Garden Gallery)的展覽空間。在這Alessandro Michele與他特別邀請的聯合策展人Maria Luisa Frisa,共同激盪出刻意不依年表顯示,而是運用想像力進行物品與錄像內容混搭的一個個Gucci故事。「我們決定讓空間成為實驗室,提供所有元素進行創意實驗。」Frisa解釋。Maria Luisa Frisa是一藝術評論家,同時主理威尼斯宜瓦浮大學(Iuav University)服裝設計及多媒體藝術學士課程。在兩人的攜手合作下細訴一切。
《Gucci Garden Archetypes原典》即日…
《Gucci Garden Archetypes原典》即日起在佛羅倫斯Gucci Garden展出,因應疫情另外也在官網線上展覽,開放海外粉絲欣賞、參觀,官網除了有詳盡的文字解說,也有提供語音導覽。
Online virtual tour for 100th festival by Alessandro Michele , Gucci Garden Archetypes
Online virtual tour for 100th festival by Alessandro Michele , Gucci Garden Archetypes
Online virtual tour for 100th festival by Alessandro Michele , Gucci Garden Archetypes
Online virtual tour for 100th festival by Alessandro Michele , Gucci Garden Archetypes
Online virtual tour for 100th festival by Alessandro Michele , Gucci Garden Archetypes
Online virtual tour for 100th festival by Alessandro Michele , Gucci Garden Archetypes
Online virtual tour for 100th festival by Alessandro Michele , Gucci Garden Archetypes
Online virtual tour for 100th festival by Alessandro Michele , Gucci Garden Archetypes