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Experience Bordeaux’s wine, produce and entertainment along the banks of the Garonne Experience Bordeaux’s wine, produce and entertainment along the banks of the Garonne

Experience Bordeaux’s wine, produce and entertainment along the banks of the Garonne

The “Bordeaux Wine Festival” has decided to well and truly push the boat out for its 20th anniversary! This key event in the wine-tourism calendar will welcome a few patrimonial sailboats open for visits. For this special edition, the city’s quayside will be a hive of activity during the four days of festivities, with some magnificent sailing ships calling into the Port de la Lune to mark the occasion. You’ll be able to visit the ships, meet winemakers, discover the region’s wine and produce and enjoy a wide range of entertainment along the banks of the Garonne. The perfect event to celebrate the wine region and river that have played a key role in shaping Bordeaux’s history and identity

Source: Bordeaux Fete le Vin、VisitFrenchWine



The "Bordeaux Wine Festival” …
The "Bordeaux Wine Festival” will be held from 17th to 20th June 2021, but this year events have been adapted to restrictions imposed by Covid-19 health safety measures. The 2021 programme includes : Bordeaux wines will be guests of honour in restaurants and in wine shops. Big online competition for the “Bordeaux Wine Festival”. Numerous events in Bordeaux, focusing on wine and culture. Special guest, the Belgian artist Philippe Geluck, will present an exhibition along the Quayside.
Oenophiles rejoice! Here’s a …
Oenophiles rejoice! Here’s a reason to plan a special trip to France. For four days at the end of June, this special festival celebrates wine from one of the best wine regions on the planet, Bordeaux.

There are wine tasting centers representing over 1,200 winemakers who produce wine from the Bordeaux and Nouvelle Aquitaine regions. Other fun activities include visiting ships with massive sails, dancing, wine barrel rolling, pop and rock concerts, and a dazzling firework show.
Experience Bordeaux’s wine, produce and entertainment along the banks of the Garonne
Experience Bordeaux’s wine, produce and entertainment along the banks of the Garonne
Experience Bordeaux’s wine, produce and entertainment along the banks of the Garonne
Experience Bordeaux’s wine, produce and entertainment along the banks of the Garonne
Experience Bordeaux’s wine, produce and entertainment along the banks of the Garonne
Experience Bordeaux’s wine, produce and entertainment along the banks of the Garonne
Experience Bordeaux’s wine, produce and entertainment along the banks of the Garonne
Experience Bordeaux’s wine, produce and entertainment along the banks of the Garonne
Experience Bordeaux’s wine, produce and entertainment along the banks of the Garonne