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Don’t exercise, just play games that make you move Don’t exercise, just play games that make you move

Don’t exercise, just play games that make you move

Active Arcade is a fresh take on how to get active while having fun, just by playing a few games. It fuses physical activity with interactive games that you control with your body. It’s built for anyone to get moving with only their mobile device—no expensive equipment, no hardcore routines, no wearables. Don’t exercise, just play

Source: NEX Lab



Good to Track Your Workouts
Good to Track Your Workouts

Active Arcade has many game modes. In all game modes, they have a function for you to track your calories. These are estimated calories based on the points you get during the activity. It may not be accurate, but it is an excellent way to measure your workouts.
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Besides doing the exercise al…
Besides doing the exercise alone, the app has game modes for two persons. So you can compete with your friends and family. It is a great bonding activity during the pandemic. You don’t need any equipment to play these games. One of the advantages of this app is that anyone can use it anywhere at any time. The only thing that you need is a smartphone and some space.
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採用最新的AR技術,讓使用者能夠螢幕進行實境的運動挑戰,內建多種19種模式,其主要使用方法以訓練反應為主,透過螢幕一閃一閃的光點以AR觸及感應使用者協調運動,還有健身狂最風靡的「折返跑模式」也有,而針對女生則有推出跳繩、開合跳等簡單運動。每款運動時間為30秒~1分鐘,App會告訴依照你的活動度計算你這輪下來大約可以消耗多少卡路里,有使用Apple Watch的使用者也可搭配一起使用計算更精準。
Don’t exercise, just play games that make you move
Don’t exercise, just play games that make you move
Don’t exercise, just play games that make you move
Don’t exercise, just play games that make you move
Don’t exercise, just play games that make you move
Don’t exercise, just play games that make you move