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歐普拉的讀書俱樂部再升級 Oprah's Book Club 2.0 歐普拉的讀書俱樂部再升級 Oprah's Book Club 2.0

歐普拉的讀書俱樂部再升級 Oprah's Book Club 2.0

Since 1996, Oprah's Book Club has included meticulously selected books that often become bestsellers. The secret sauce? Each is chosen by Oprah herself. Now, with a partnership with Apple, Oprah's Book Club is experiencing a new chapter, which began with the selection of Ta-Nehisi Coates' The Water Dancer and continued with Olive, Again by Elizabeth Strout, and more. Her most recent pick is Caste by Isabel Wilkerson, a history of the caste system in the U.S., which Oprah called the most "essential" Book Club pick yet. These books join esteemed memoirs like Michelle Obama's Becoming, Cheryl Strayed's Wild, and Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth, as Oprah's Book Club picks. You'll never forget these enlightening stories—just ask Oprah

Source:, Oprah Daily



It would be remiss of us not …
It would be remiss of us not to mention the mother of celebrity book clubs: Oprah Winfrey. What was born as a segment on her talk show in 1996 started a new chapter as the social-media-savvy Oprah's Book Club 2.0 in 2012. Expect videos of Winfrey sharing the stack that helped her through hard times, join more than 50,000 members on the club's Goodreads discussion boards or sign up to the newsletter for reviews and author interviews.
Oprah Winfrey has revealed wh…
Oprah Winfrey has revealed which books are getting her through 2020, as Election Day approaches and the pandemic goes on. Setting aside her usual book club recommendations, Winfrey instead cites seven personal favorites, ranging from James Baldwin’s landmark essays in The Fire Next Time to Mary Oliver's poetry collection Devotions.

Winfrey is calling her choices “the books that see me through,” works she values for “their ability to comfort, inspire, and enlighten”.
Winfrey noted that 2021 marks…
Winfrey noted that 2021 marks the 25th year of the Oprah Book Club, and concluded her presentation with a tease about her next selection, to be announced on June 15. “If anything in the world makes me optimistic, it’s the discovery of an emerging writer— someone whose vision creates a shift in how the reader sees the world,” she said, adding: “I hope you keep finding and supporting rockstar authors with your passion, with all your heart. We’ll continue to be here, to read and savor every word.”
Oprah Winfrey shared, "I saw …
Oprah Winfrey shared, "I saw so much of my own story in this beautifully written book by Ashley, who—like me—also had to overcome a challenging childhood growing up as a poor, Black girl. Her remarkable memoir about finding love, finding freedom, and finding herself will move you."
---- E! News
歐普拉的讀書俱樂部再升級 Oprah's Book Club 2.0
歐普拉的讀書俱樂部再升級 Oprah's Book Club 2.0
歐普拉的讀書俱樂部再升級 Oprah's Book Club 2.0
歐普拉的讀書俱樂部再升級 Oprah's Book Club 2.0