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Great Art Explained, in 15 minutes Great Art Explained, in 15 minutes

Great Art Explained, in 15 minutes

I'm James Payne, a curator, gallerist and a passionate art lover. I am on a mission to demystify the art world and discover the stories behind the world’s greatest paintings and sculptures. Each episode will focus on one piece of art and break it down, using clear and concise language free of 'art-speak'

Sometimes the art work is a springboard for other wider issues I would like to explore, and sometimes it is a simple exploration of techniques and meaning. For me, setting the works in context helps us appreciate them more

By sticking to fifteen minutes, I want to make sure I keep the viewer engaged and interested. My videos cover art from all cultures and classifications. In-depth research and a love for the perfect visual, will hopefully bring a new way of seeing familiar works

Source: Great Art Explained



Great Art Explained is the br…
Great Art Explained is the brainchild of London art consultant and guide, James Payne, who has been showing tourists around Europe for over 20 years. These educational tours often focus on the history of art and his films for Great Art Explained are an extension of these lectures. His fine art degree from London’s prestigious Central St Martins, plus his work as an art consultant and art and film writer for various art magazines make him the ideal presenter of this excellent new art history series.
---- Forbes
Each short film in this ongoi…
Each short film in this ongoing series combines entertaining storytelling with clear concise information, presented in a 15-minute format that packs in more details than most full-length documentaries. It takes a fresh look at works of art that we have become so familiar with that we have forgotten how revolutionary they once were.
---- Forbes
Even if Payne is explaining t…
Even if Payne is explaining things you already knew about famous artworks like Monet’s Water Lilies, you’ll still enjoy his presentation, with its clever editing and compelling narration. “I want to present art in a jargon free, entertaining, clear and concise way,” he writes. Each video covers one famous artwork, not all of them modern.
“For centuries a 500-year old…
“For centuries a 500-year old portrait of a Florentine Merchant’s wife has captivated the world. She has inspired poetry, songs and countless artists. She is an icon, a brand and a ‘superstar’. Artlyst contributor James Payne takes a fresh look behind the hype and celebrity status of The Mona Lisa to discover a revolutionary painting that not only transformed the face of art but also changed the rules. A painting so ahead of its time that centuries later we are still trying to figure it out”. – James Payne
---- ArtLyst
Guernica is the most famous a…
Guernica is the most famous anti-war painting in history, and Picasso’s best-known work. James Payne looks at some of the more acknowledged interpretations along with techniques, composition and artistic inspiration. It's a masterpiece that always leaves the viewer with more than they brought to it, and here, Great Art Explained, traces the work from its underwhelming reception when first seen in 1937, through to its status over eighty years later as one of the most influential and iconic works of all time.
---- ArtLyst
Great Art Explained, in 15 minutes
Great Art Explained, in 15 minutes
Great Art Explained, in 15 minutes
Great Art Explained, in 15 minutes
Great Art Explained, in 15 minutes