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新興文藝復興建築傑作轉化成的超現實多媒體體驗 A neo-surreal multimedia experience 新興文藝復興建築傑作轉化成的超現實多媒體體驗 A neo-surreal multimedia experience

新興文藝復興建築傑作轉化成的超現實多媒體體驗 A neo-surreal multimedia experience

An Unprecedented projection mapping spectacle that adds a layer of reality to our world. Fusing cutting-edge art and technology, visitors will be transported through a multidimensional realm that transports them to new heights

The historic landmark building was the ticketing office for cunard trans-atlantic cruise ship used to connect the old world and the new world during the 1920s, a new bridge has been created between the past and the future, between the real and the SuperReal

Source: SuperReal



SuperReal has reopened at Cip…
SuperReal has reopened at Cipriani 25 Broadway, inside the historic Cunard Building, bringing its cutting-edge projection mapping tech and multimedia art to its walls and ceiling—and it happens to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the Cunard Building, which opened in 1921.
A Neo-Renaissance architectur…
A Neo-Renaissance architectural masterpiece transforms into a surreal multimedia experience in Lower Manhattan. Moment Factory collaborated with Cipriani to imagine an immersive digital art experience that would light up Cipriani 25 Broadway.
The multi-million project beg…
The multi-million project began with a full scale scanning of the interior spaces, which became the storyboard templates for a team of around 80 designers, motion engineers and other artists. There’s even an interactive element, where balloons on the walls appear to burst in reaction to gestures that people make.

“It’s not about showcasing the technology, it’s about hiding it,” Moment Factory director and producer Jamie Reilly says. “So that it seems seamless and it looks magical.”
---- Forbes
“We are thrilled that our par…
“We are thrilled that our partnership with Moment Factory is returning to this beautiful New York City landmark just as the city begins to reopen," said Giuseppe Cipriani. "SuperReal brings together the best in art, technology and hospitality that New York has to offer, for a truly one-of-a-kind experience, and we look forward to welcoming everyone back."
新興文藝復興建築傑作轉化成的超現實多媒體體驗 A neo-surreal multimedia experience
新興文藝復興建築傑作轉化成的超現實多媒體體驗 A neo-surreal multimedia experience
新興文藝復興建築傑作轉化成的超現實多媒體體驗 A neo-surreal multimedia experience
新興文藝復興建築傑作轉化成的超現實多媒體體驗 A neo-surreal multimedia experience
新興文藝復興建築傑作轉化成的超現實多媒體體驗 A neo-surreal multimedia experience
新興文藝復興建築傑作轉化成的超現實多媒體體驗 A neo-surreal multimedia experience
新興文藝復興建築傑作轉化成的超現實多媒體體驗 A neo-surreal multimedia experience
新興文藝復興建築傑作轉化成的超現實多媒體體驗 A neo-surreal multimedia experience
新興文藝復興建築傑作轉化成的超現實多媒體體驗 A neo-surreal multimedia experience
新興文藝復興建築傑作轉化成的超現實多媒體體驗 A neo-surreal multimedia experience
新興文藝復興建築傑作轉化成的超現實多媒體體驗 A neo-surreal multimedia experience