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Fusion of library, art museum and natural history museum, Kadokawa Culture Museum Fusion of library, art museum and natural history museum, Kadokawa Culture Museum

Fusion of library, art museum and natural history museum, Kadokawa Culture Museum

Located in Musashino, where humans and nature have long been living in harmony, Kadokawa Culture Museum (KCM) is a complex of cultural facilities built on a completely new concept

Designed by renowned architect Kengo Kuma. A cultural complex built on the concept of fusing together a library, an art museum, and a natural history museum. Under the supervision of Seigow Matsuoka (editorial engineer), Hiroshi Aramata (natural historian), and Shingo Jinno (researcher of arts and art education), the Museum aspires to be a hub for sharing all genres of art - from mainstream culture to pop culture - in a multifaceted manner. KCM revisits all types of knowledge, transcending the boundaries of art, literature, and natural history. Such a museum has never existed in the world before

Source: Kadokawa Culture Museum



Six walls with different angl…
Six walls with different angles were set up to separate the museum from the library, and holes were freely made to give the impression of each program. On the main street, "Book Street," bookshelves made of cedar plywood branch off from nine large headlines to form a network that resembles the structure of the brain.
The fourth floor contains a d…
The fourth floor contains a double-height library that can turn into a ‘bookshelf theater’ thanks to projection mapping. here, eight-meter-tall (26 ft) bookshelves soar towards the ceiling, accommodating around 50,000 books. elsewhere, another library is joined by another exhibtion space. finally, the fifth floor houses another gallery alongside a restaurant.
Designed by renowned architec…
Designed by renowned architect Kengo Kuma, the towering venue is more accurately billed as a cultural gathering space than a traditional book collection, which Ryosuke Kosuge, who works as RK, recently documented a new series of photographs.

Just months after its opening, the Tokyo-area library already has hosted a variety of music and theater performances, with the staggered shelving and metal walkways serving as a backdrop.
The interior space that Kosug…
The interior space that Kosuge captures is located on the fourth floor of a museum and acts as both a library and a theater space. Projection mapping uses the 500,000 books as part of varying exhibits that give the space its secondary function. Screens are also scattered across the shelving arrangement to support exhibitions. For those more interested in reading the books themselves, they can access some of the upper levels by following a series of metal walkways that ascend up the 26-foot-tall library.
Fusion of library, art museum and natural history museum, Kadokawa Culture Museum
Fusion of library, art museum and natural history museum, Kadokawa Culture Museum
Fusion of library, art museum and natural history museum, Kadokawa Culture Museum