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Sotheby’s Hong Kong is thrilled to present JAY CHOU x SOTHEBY’S Sotheby’s Hong Kong is thrilled to present JAY CHOU x SOTHEBY’S

Sotheby’s Hong Kong is thrilled to present JAY CHOU x SOTHEBY’S

Sotheby’s Hong Kong is thrilled to present JAY CHOU x SOTHEBY’S, a ground-breaking collaboration between Sotheby’s and legendary musical icon and avid art collector Jay Chou. The reigning “King of Mandopop” is well known for incorporating elements of fine art, poetry, classical styles into his work – engineering compelling convergences of art and music, connecting with audiences across multiple generations. Uniting entertainment and fine art, this much-anticipated event marks the inaugural edition of Sotheby’s celebrated CONTEMPORARY CURATED: ASIA, an auction series that will feature exceptional works by blue-chip artists and rising stars handpicked by Jay to be offered in a highly anticipated evening sale

盛夏六月,華語流行曲天王周杰倫將駕臨香港蘇富比,舉辦一系列舉世矚目的當代藝術拍賣。身為音樂人、唱作人、演員及導演的周杰倫早已蜚聲國際,他的音樂創作、舞臺表演及電影風靡萬千粉絲。今次,他挾著在社交媒體上一呼百應的影響力,讓世人見識他身為藝術收藏家的滿腔熱忱。周杰倫 x 蘇富比將為蘇富比的「Contemporary Curated: Asia」系列拉開華麗序章,呈獻由周杰倫親自挑選的藝術名家及新星傑作。第一位亞洲名人策展專場,並創下拍賣品百分之百售出、並於此拍場拍出第二高價的畢卡索畫作

Source: Sotheby's



Led by Sotheby’s auctioneer, …
Led by Sotheby’s auctioneer, Ian McGinlay, all 47 works offered in the auction sold to new buyers. Four of the lots came secured with irrevocable bids, including those by Richard Prince, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Frank Stella and Avery Singer. Altogether, these works hammered above their collected low estimate of HKD 365.8 million ($47 million), raking in HKD 387.4 million ($49.9 million or $62 million with premium), accounting for 57 percent of the sale’s premium total.
周杰倫與蘇富比聯手的「Jay Chou x Sotheby…
周杰倫與蘇富比聯手的「Jay Chou x Sotheby’s」拍賣會今晚迎來重頭戲:晚間拍賣,身為策展人的周杰倫捐出3組(4套)演唱會戰袍供慈善拍賣,最後落槌價總計263萬港幣(約合台幣942萬元),所得全數捐出做公益。

由Jeremy Scott、Tomas Chan替周董在「地表最強」世界巡回演唱會上設計的3組4套衣服,落槌價總共為263萬港幣,先前周董表示:「這三組服裝對我來說,不止是衣服,而是非常有藝術價值的作品。」如今他將這三組衣服化為愛心,將所得捐給幫助重症病童圓夢的Make-A-Wish International公益基金會。
巴斯基亞作品拍出天價,刷新9項紀錄,至於周董最喜愛的藝術家尚 · 米榭 · 巴斯基亞(Jean-Michel Basquiat)於 1985 年創作的三連幅《無題Untitled》,也是全場焦點,這幅當年與巴斯基亞本人一起登上紐約時報雜誌封面的作品,最後落槌價衝到2億5000萬港幣(約合台幣8億9520萬元。)

估價:HK$93,000,000 - 143,000,000
Sotheby’s Hong Kong is thrilled to present JAY CHOU x SOTHEBY’S
Sotheby’s Hong Kong is thrilled to present JAY CHOU x SOTHEBY’S
Sotheby’s Hong Kong is thrilled to present JAY CHOU x SOTHEBY’S
Sotheby’s Hong Kong is thrilled to present JAY CHOU x SOTHEBY’S
Sotheby’s Hong Kong is thrilled to present JAY CHOU x SOTHEBY’S