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Relaxation and cultural immersion on board and on land Relaxation and cultural immersion on board and on land

Relaxation and cultural immersion on board and on land

Scenic Luxury Cruises & Tours is the leader in luxury all-inclusive river cruising and small ship ocean cruising, providing guests with the ultimate 5-star experience

Motoring enthusiasts won’t want to miss this very special new Scenic Enrich experience for 2022, as part of our best-selling Jewels of Europe river cruise. You will head to Motorworld in Cologne, Germany, and enjoy a welcome drink and canapés as you view an extensive and impressive range of vintage, classic, and Formula One vehicles, including Michael Schumacher’s private collection. There’s even an opportunity to get behind the wheel in such car-related activities as racing simulators

Source: Scenic



Scenic Group has grown over i…
Scenic Group has grown over its 35-year history to include award-winning, river and ocean cruises and handcrafted land journeys that take guests to many of the world’s most fascinating destinations covering all 7-continents. Since 2008, Scenic has offered truly all-inclusive luxury river cruises in Europe, SE Asia and Russia on its 15 Scenic Space-Ships and Egypt on a luxury charter.
Scenic Cruises, the luxury al…
Scenic Cruises, the luxury all-inclusive river cruise line, has created new Scenic Enrich experiences to go along with its 2022 European River Cruises Collection. Each Scenic Space-Ship will now employ an onboard Enrichment Manager for every European river cruise. The Enrichment Manager will host fun activities like educational lectures, glassblowing demonstrations, painting and cooking classes, wine tastings and more, each curated towards the specific cruise’s itinerary.
Scenic is highlighting two cu…
Scenic is highlighting two culinary itineraries for 2022:

‘Tastes of Southern France on the Rhône’ and the ‘Flavours of Bordeaux’ itinerary cruising the Garonne, take a deep dive in all things food. Guests can learn the family secrets of regional recipes with Scenic’s new ‘Ancestry of the Kitchen’ program, which includes a series of authentic cooking classes held in the homes of locals including Dutch Apple Pie baking in Hoorn, and a traditional Portuguese bread-making experience.
Relaxation and cultural immersion on board and on land
Relaxation and cultural immersion on board and on land
Relaxation and cultural immersion on board and on land
Relaxation and cultural immersion on board and on land
Relaxation and cultural immersion on board and on land
Relaxation and cultural immersion on board and on land