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LOEWE Weaves explores the act of weaving as both a decorative craft and way to build structure LOEWE Weaves explores the act of weaving as both a decorative craft and way to build structure

LOEWE Weaves explores the act of weaving as both a decorative craft and way to build structure

Founded in Spain in 1846, LOEWE is one of the world’s major luxury houses. Since 2013, under creative director Jonathan Anderson, the brand has started a new chapter as a house focused on craft and culture, evidenced through an intellectual yet playful approach to fashion, the bold and vibrant Spanish lifestyle and unmatched expertise in leather

LOEWE Weaves explores the act of weaving as both a decorative craft and way to build structure. Presenting a series of Galician chestnut roasters created by master potter Antonio Pereira, the handmade hole-punched clay pots feature experimental weaving techniques by artists: ARKO from Japan, Min Chen from China and Laia Arqueros from Spain. ​LOEWE Weaves pieces will be sold at a fixed price on Sotheby’s Buy Now online marketplace from May 1. LOEWE becomes the first major luxury fashion house to consign with the platform

Source: Sotheby's



These impressive handmade pot…
These impressive handmade pots, idiosyncratic of their hole-punched surface, have been created by master potter Antonio Pereira. They have then been reinterpreted by three global artists, Japan’s Arko, China’s Min Chen and Spain’s Laia Arqueros, and accented with bristles of rice straw, bamboo flowers or tongue-wagging glazed ceramic figurative accents. Seven chestnut roasters are available to purchase online at a fixed price through Sotheby’s Buy Now online marketplace.
In addition to these pieces, …
In addition to these pieces, we gave 84 chestnut roasters to artisans Idoia Cuesta and Belen Martinez from Spain and to artisans in LOEWE’s own ateliers for them to experiment with. The functionality of these objects has been twisted and turned, becoming abstract as discarded materials have gained new life. Many of the materials embellishing the roasters are, in fact, surplus from past LOEWE collections. These roasters will be exhibited and available for sale in the LOEWE stores worldwide.
---- Numéro
2016年創立LOEWE工藝獎後,Jonathan And…
2016年創立LOEWE工藝獎後,Jonathan Anderson並沒有停下腳步,2021年更與蘇富比拍賣行(Sotheby's)合作開發「LOEWE Weaves」系列,將「編織」技法融入配件與藝術擺飾設計,並找來5位藝術家運用不同媒材,以西班牙工匠Antonio Peréira所製作的「加利西亞燒栗陶爐」進行創作,這只陶爐的特別之處在於遍佈爐身的孔洞,它能為藝術家提供更靈活多變的創作可能。
---- LaVie
來自日本的ARKO以「稻草藝術家」自居,期盼能運用天然材料、老式技法,保存在現代逐漸消退的傳統習俗。創作LOEWE Weaves陶爐時,ARKO也以愛用媒材稻草進行發想,採獨特縫合技法讓草束維持參差層次感,藉此帶出稻草所象徵的生命力及田園氣息。
---- LaVie
陶瓷藝術家Laia Arqueros則為陶爐添上眼睛和嘴巴…
陶瓷藝術家Laia Arqueros則為陶爐添上眼睛和嘴巴,以兩只為一套作品呈現出擬人化陶爐互相對話的畫面,趣味十足。
---- LaVie
中國藝術家Min Chen在2018年舉辦的第二屆LOEW…
中國藝術家Min Chen在2018年舉辦的第二屆LOEWE工藝獎一戰成名,自小學習書法與繪畫讓他對中國傳統藝術為之傾心,過往作品也著重在以藝術建立自身與家鄉的連結。本次為LOEWE Weaves創作的陶爐靈感源自於杭州,以清麗秀逸的竹子作為媒材,在打磨、彎折與組裝等工序後化為多個花型裝飾,並將其固定於爐身孔洞上,構築一只靜謐、深沈又充滿詩意的作品。
---- LaVie
LOEWE Weaves explores the act of weaving as both a decorative craft and way to build structure
LOEWE Weaves explores the act of weaving as both a decorative craft and way to build structure
LOEWE Weaves explores the act of weaving as both a decorative craft and way to build structure
LOEWE Weaves explores the act of weaving as both a decorative craft and way to build structure
LOEWE Weaves explores the act of weaving as both a decorative craft and way to build structure
LOEWE Weaves explores the act of weaving as both a decorative craft and way to build structure