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"Cookie Cookie", CryptoZR- 劉嘉穎的數位加密藝術主題首展

"Cookie Cookie", CryptoZR- 劉嘉穎的數位加密藝術主題首展

Presented at the Guardian Art Center in Beijing, Cookie Cookie - the first show of artist Liu Jiaying - explores the ideas at the intersection of technology and human behaviour

Source: STIR Design Private Limited



Aside from being cool and int…
Aside from being cool and interesting, it’s actually a very safe way to store bitcoin. The Bitcoin protocol is extremely secure, but if your computer (or phone) gets hacked, your bitcoin can be stolen. For this reason, it’s safest to store unused bitcoin offline. The result is a new form of art– one that not only derives value from aesthetics and scarcity, but from the value it literally holds.
The G○C△ collection on Artsy …
The G○C△ collection on Artsy contains the finest crypto art of today. You will find diverse mediums, minimalist and maximalist styles, and pieces made from exceptional technological and creative processes. G○C△ is one arm of a vision with our Museum of Crypto Art (M○C△) and Incubator of Crypto Art (I○C△) - all now iconic entities of the Metaverse.
---- Artsy
Perhaps the most visible form…
Perhaps the most visible form of art collecting today, and the one that drives so much public discussion about art, is the art purchased for millions of dollars – the pieces by Picasso and Damien Hirst traded by the ultrawealthy. This is still social: Whether they’re at Sotheby’s auctions or museum board dinners, wealthy art collectors mingle, meet and talk about who bought what.
"Cookie Cookie", CryptoZR- 劉嘉穎的數位加密藝術主題首展
"Cookie Cookie", CryptoZR- 劉嘉穎的數位加密藝術主題首展
"Cookie Cookie", CryptoZR- 劉嘉穎的數位加密藝術主題首展
"Cookie Cookie", CryptoZR- 劉嘉穎的數位加密藝術主題首展
"Cookie Cookie", CryptoZR- 劉嘉穎的數位加密藝術主題首展