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NFT 數位媒介即是啟示 / With NFTs, The Digital Medium is The Message NFT 數位媒介即是啟示 / With NFTs, The Digital Medium is The Message

NFT 數位媒介即是啟示 / With NFTs, The Digital Medium is The Message

NFT (非同質化代幣)在證實下,可視為具稀缺特性的數位藝術品和其他由區塊鏈支援的數位化商品。藝術品和其他所謂的加密收藏品是現今 NFT 的主要用例,但未來大量獨特的數位商品和物件將會是上鏈的 NFT 化,並允許個人以不同的身份識別,任意穿梭在包含平台、遊戲和異次元宇宙的線上生態系統,無縫移動並交易他們的數位資產

Art and other so-called crypto-collectibles are the main use-case for NFTs today, but in the future a wide array of unique digital goods and items will be NFT-based and allow individuals to move seamlessly their identity and digital possessions between different online ecosystems, platforms, games, and universes

Source: Fortune Media IP Limited



Coinllectibles™ is the first …
Coinllectibles™ is the first publicly traded blockchain Fusion DOTs™ technology company on the US OTC Markets that redefines how we think about art and collectible ownership in the digital age. Our curated Fusion DOTs™️ capture all the rights and independent valuation and ownership of physical arts and collectibles, securely underpinned by smart contracts stored on the blockchain.
Commenting on the usage of a …
Commenting on the usage of a h-NFT in the successful auction, Gerald Gn, Head Corporate Finance of Marvion said, “We are honoured that our h-NFTs are widely adopted across industries, in this case, the arts and collectibles industry.
香港發明家及企業家李應樵博士於2020年成立Coinllectibles,這是一家藝術和收藏品技術公司, 創造出Fusion NFT技術,將儲存在區塊鏈上的智能合約,與實體藝術和收藏品結合起來。Fusion NFT將可在交易平台上自由買賣,吸引更多人參與,解鎖數以萬億計的市場價值。
The metaverse buzz is everywh…
The metaverse buzz is everywhere, even though they have not fully taken off. When metaverses do finally gather some more steam, though, NFTs will be at the heart of their immersive technology. And the exceeding potential and utility of NFTs, along with blockchain technology and cryptos, will be realized within them.
A Home Away from Home

A Home Away from Home

Play-to-earn, land-based NFT games are already being explored by games like The Sandbox, where “LANDS” are owned by users to monetize and build experiences. Check out our best NFT games of 2022 here. The network claims that only 166,464 LANDS will ever be available to provide social experiences to the community, build residences, develop multiplayer experiences, and host games.

The Future of NFTs Lies With …
The Future of NFTs Lies With the Courts

As the first cases involving NFTs hit the dockets, courts will decide questions around ownership, art, and commerce.
全球疫情推一把 NFT打開藝術市場新渠道!NFT已存在多年…
全球疫情推一把 NFT打開藝術市場新渠道!NFT已存在多年,2021年異軍突起、掀起一波炒作狂潮,話題延燒至今。根據 NFT 資料分析公司 的 統計,2021年 NFT 的全球交易額達到176億美元,相較於前一年的8,200萬美元大增21,000%,漲幅極度驚人。
---- ETtoday
NFT 數位媒介即是啟示 / With NFTs, The Digital Medium is The Message
NFT 數位媒介即是啟示 / With NFTs, The Digital Medium is The Message
NFT 數位媒介即是啟示 / With NFTs, The Digital Medium is The Message
NFT 數位媒介即是啟示 / With NFTs, The Digital Medium is The Message
NFT 數位媒介即是啟示 / With NFTs, The Digital Medium is The Message
NFT 數位媒介即是啟示 / With NFTs, The Digital Medium is The Message
NFT 數位媒介即是啟示 / With NFTs, The Digital Medium is The Message