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Taiwan, seen through a different lens, live through new adventure and experiences, family or corporate outings
Taiwan, seen through a different lens, live through new adventure and experiences, family or corporate outings
Manage fear of failure, strength and balance result
Manage fear of failure, strength and balance result
「Dandumu」, night forest exploration, ocean view from the forest, experience the life of aboriginal tribes
「Dandumu」, night forest exploration, ocean view from the forest, experience the life of aboriginal tribes
Teach kids confidence to try new things, face each day with a smile, love and live life to its fullest
Teach kids confidence to try new things, face each day with a smile, love and live life to its fullest
Get in touch with your own flow of energy, help your child discover their natural creativity
Get in touch with your own flow of energy, help your child discover their natural creativity
Co-existence with the forest and natural life, practice patience through art of ceramics and pottery.  Cloud Forest Collective
Co-existence with the forest and natural life, practice patience through art of ceramics and pottery.  Cloud Forest Collective
Full immersion in nature, blurred lines between indoor and outdoor spaces, full experience of place in natural world’s rich biodiversity
Full immersion in nature, blurred lines between indoor and outdoor spaces, full experience of place in natural world’s rich biodiversity
STEAM summer camp, acclimate pre-schoolers into primary school like human exploration into outer space, encouraging courage, adventure, independence and thirst for learning
STEAM summer camp, acclimate pre-schoolers into primary school like human exploration into outer space, encouraging courage, adventure, independence and thirst for learning
Start networking early, learn from top notch finance and consulting professionals.  Asia Elite Business Scholars (AEBS) Academy Bootcamp
Start networking early, learn from top notch finance and consulting professionals.  Asia Elite Business Scholars (AEBS) Academy Bootcamp
Reach creative potential and learn through exploration of your 5 senses and STEAM learning
Reach creative potential and learn through exploration of your 5 senses and STEAM learning
SNAG golf, make first experience most unique, memorable, and a lifetime friend
SNAG golf, make first experience most unique, memorable, and a lifetime friend
Spy Camp:  Top secret briefing, mastering evasion techniques, crafting perfect disguise, or decoding secret intel
Spy Camp:  Top secret briefing, mastering evasion techniques, crafting perfect disguise, or decoding secret intel
Being one with Dao and Art to cultivate life with practice of life aesthetics.  U-Theatre’s summer camp
Being one with Dao and Art to cultivate life with practice of life aesthetics.  U-Theatre’s summer camp
Bushcraft and survival, get down to the fundamentals and learn, together with your kids, from the elements of nature and the wild
Bushcraft and survival, get down to the fundamentals and learn, together with your kids, from the elements of nature and the wild
Train like an astronaut, fly like a fighter pilot or engineer robots of the future. Space Camp®
Train like an astronaut, fly like a fighter pilot or engineer robots of the future. Space Camp®