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Sotheby’s Hong Kong is thrilled to present JAY CHOU x SOTHEBY’S
Sotheby’s Hong Kong is thrilled to present JAY CHOU x SOTHEBY’S
Rooftop terraces, double bay views across two breathtakingly beautiful peninsulas
Rooftop terraces, double bay views across two breathtakingly beautiful peninsulas
Recreate background sound for zoom parties, daily wind down cocktail at home
Recreate background sound for zoom parties, daily wind down cocktail at home
Create a circuit between the device and human body or the fruit, to explore environments through interactive musical experiences
Create a circuit between the device and human body or the fruit, to explore environments through interactive musical experiences
重現華燈初上,一場巷弄中的秘境時光之旅 Rediscovery of historic mansion, rebirth of humanity enthralled by modern aphrodisiacs, music and dance.  AKA, DaDaoCheng
重現華燈初上,一場巷弄中的秘境時光之旅 Rediscovery of historic mansion, rebirth of humanity enthralled by modern aphrodisiacs, music and dance.  AKA, DaDaoCheng
Walk down memory lane, old cassette recorder and player, stories of DaDaoCheng from a different era.  Sidoli Radio
Walk down memory lane, old cassette recorder and player, stories of DaDaoCheng from a different era.  Sidoli Radio
Musical instrument futuristic in appearance, played without direct touch, appears quintessential virtual reality,  but is actually 100 years old.  Theremin
Musical instrument futuristic in appearance, played without direct touch, appears quintessential virtual reality,  but is actually 100 years old.  Theremin