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A Slice of Eternity
A Slice of Eternity
A portal to discover unique experience or mere escape, where creative architecture meets fine art in this micro-library
A portal to discover unique experience or mere escape, where creative architecture meets fine art in this micro-library
Co-existence with the forest and natural life, practice patience through art of ceramics and pottery.  Cloud Forest Collective
Co-existence with the forest and natural life, practice patience through art of ceramics and pottery.  Cloud Forest Collective
重現華燈初上,一場巷弄中的秘境時光之旅 Rediscovery of historic mansion, rebirth of humanity enthralled by modern aphrodisiacs, music and dance.  AKA, DaDaoCheng
重現華燈初上,一場巷弄中的秘境時光之旅 Rediscovery of historic mansion, rebirth of humanity enthralled by modern aphrodisiacs, music and dance.  AKA, DaDaoCheng
Walk down memory lane, old cassette recorder and player, stories of DaDaoCheng from a different era.  Sidoli Radio
Walk down memory lane, old cassette recorder and player, stories of DaDaoCheng from a different era.  Sidoli Radio
Reach creative potential and learn through exploration of your 5 senses and STEAM learning
Reach creative potential and learn through exploration of your 5 senses and STEAM learning
Peace from different era and dimension, beyond beauty and gastronomy of Southern China
Peace from different era and dimension, beyond beauty and gastronomy of Southern China
Where gentlemen of high society used to gather, culture exchanged, ideas shared and humanity celebrated, in the comforts and soothing of traditional barber shop, a lost art preserved.  Sculptor Barber
Where gentlemen of high society used to gather, culture exchanged, ideas shared and humanity celebrated, in the comforts and soothing of traditional barber shop, a lost art preserved.  Sculptor Barber
March to honor the heritage of gentlemen’s lifestyle and self-respect, and leap to a transformation and enrichment of the contemporary style and culture.  The Suit Walk
March to honor the heritage of gentlemen’s lifestyle and self-respect, and leap to a transformation and enrichment of the contemporary style and culture.  The Suit Walk
體驗滿注深情與藝術的小慢茶道 Xiaoman’s way of tea, the fusion of chado, arts and soulfulness.  Taipei, Taiwan
體驗滿注深情與藝術的小慢茶道 Xiaoman’s way of tea, the fusion of chado, arts and soulfulness.  Taipei, Taiwan
台灣茶葉世家培製獨有的世界綠茶金獎–開蘭茶 Award winning, Kalon, from generations of tea family legacy, fuses olfactory expertise and technology mindset to produce taste and fragrance embraced by Michelin chef
台灣茶葉世家培製獨有的世界綠茶金獎–開蘭茶 Award winning, Kalon, from generations of tea family legacy, fuses olfactory expertise and technology mindset to produce taste and fragrance embraced by Michelin chef
Heal mind and soul with 7 chakra Singing Bowls and body suspension, Nepali tradition
Heal mind and soul with 7 chakra Singing Bowls and body suspension, Nepali tradition
融合懷舊法租界風的經典台灣茶體驗Fusion of French Concession style, traditional Taiwanese tea ceremony, Liquide Ambré
融合懷舊法租界風的經典台灣茶體驗Fusion of French Concession style, traditional Taiwanese tea ceremony, Liquide Ambré
One and only overnight stay per lifetime, mingle and meld with contemporary oil paintings and installations.  ROOM, Taipei
One and only overnight stay per lifetime, mingle and meld with contemporary oil paintings and installations.  ROOM, Taipei
探索三徑就荒的嶄新茶席時空之旅 Explore new dimensions of your palate for tea in a timeless space, hidden in the metropolis
探索三徑就荒的嶄新茶席時空之旅 Explore new dimensions of your palate for tea in a timeless space, hidden in the metropolis